This operation can be used to retrieve multiple blobs at once, which helps reducing the number of API calls needed.
The batch endpoint for blobs can merge multiple blobs into a single file, where this is appropriate and makes sense, e.g. for performance reasons.
Resource Information
Method and URI | POST https://developer.api.autodesk.com/forma/element-service/v1alpha/blobs-batch |
Authentication Context | user context required |
Required OAuth Scopes | data:read |
Data Format | JSON |
Authorization* string | Must be Bearer <token> , where <token> is obtained via a three-legged OAuth flow. |
X-Ads-Region string | Specifies the geographical location (region) of the service. US or EMEA. Defaults to US. |
Content-Type* string | Must be application/json |
Query String Parameters
authcontext* string | The authcontext of the resource you are requesting |
Body Structure
items array: string | Each item value is a blob ID. |
HTTP Status Code Summary
200 OK | At minimum the response will contain a field named
metadata.json that includes references to other fields in
the response.
The content type of each individual field is ignored. The metadata.json must contain a valid JSON value, and the other fields are assumed to hold binary data as if it used application/octet-stream and parsed for whatever context the data is referred from. |
302 | Clients should follow redirects, as the response might be stored somewhere else |
400 Bad Request | Bad request. The request body is not valid according to the schema. See response for details. |
401 Unauthorized | Bearer token is not valid |
403 Forbidden | Token does not have access to the specified project. Are you in the right region? |
500 Internal Server Error | Internal server error |
The response will be multipart/form-data
containing the blob contents as well as a metadata.json
that will have pointers from blobId
to its content in the multipart data.
metadata.json Structure
results object | Mapping from blob IDs to details. |
* object | |
responseFieldName string | This is a reference to a specific field name in the multipart response. |
errors object | Mapping from blob IDs to errors. |
* object | |
code enum:string | Supported error codes are skipped , not_found and other .
If the error code |
message string |
Example 1
curl -v 'https://developer.api.autodesk.com/forma/element-service/v1alpha/blobs-batch?authcontext=pro_abcd' \
-X 'POST' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer AuIPTf4KYLTYGVnOHQ0cuolwCW2a'
-d '{
The response headers will include the length of the file, and it’s content type, which is multipart/form-data
plus a boundary
that defines the delimiter of the binary data to access the different form elements.
Content-Length: 85587
Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=----formdata-undici-030119948553
The body of the response will then contain the different that were sucessful. Each element in the body will start with
a Content-Disposition
header describing the file’s name, and a Content-Type
header with the file’s content.
Further, there will be 2 newlines then the file’s content.
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="0"; filename="blob"
Content-Type: application/octet-stream
glTF JSON{"asset":{"generator":"glTF-Transform v4.0.1","version":"2.0"},"accessors":[{"type":"VEC3","componentType":5126,"count":42,"max":[11.458879470825195,7.289392948150635,15.7844877243042],"min":[-11.458879470825195,-7.289392948150635,-15.7844877243042],"bufferView":0,"byteOffset":0}],"bufferViews":[{"buffer":0,"byteOffset":0,"byteLength":504,"byteStride":12,"target":34962}],"buffers":[{"byteLength":504}],"materials":[{"pbrMetallicRoughness":{"baseColorFactor":[0.9372549019607843,0.9372549019607843,0.9372549019607843,1]}}],"meshes":[{"name":"98e2a86d1e50d","primitives":[{"attributes":{"POSITION":0},"mode":4,"material":0}]}],"nodes":[{"name":"98e2a86d1e50d","mesh":0}],"scenes":[{"nodes":[0]}]} REDACTED_BINARY_DATA
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="1"; filename="blob"
Content-Type: application/octet-stream
glTF JSON{"asset":{"generator":"glTF-Transform v4.0.1","version":"2.0"},"accessors":[{"type":"VEC3","componentType":5126,"count":42,"max":[18.803159713745117,8.189318656921387,15.363637924194336],"min":[-18.803159713745117,-8.189318656921387,-15.363637924194336],"bufferView":0,"byteOffset":0}],"bufferViews":[{"buffer":0,"byteOffset":0,"byteLength":504,"byteStride":12,"target":34962}],"buffers":[{"byteLength":504}],"materials":[{"pbrMetallicRoughness":{"baseColorFactor":[0.9372549019607843,0.9372549019607843,0.9372549019607843,1]}}],"meshes":[{"name":"58dd185117661","primitives":[{"attributes":{"POSITION":0},"mode":4,"material":0}]}],"nodes":[{"name":"58dd185117661","mesh":0}],"scenes":[{"nodes":[0]}]} REDACTED_BINARY_DATA
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="metadata.json"
Example 2
The following example displays how to fetch and parse the multipart response.
async function getBlobs(blobIds: string[]) {
const authcontext = encodeURIComponent("pro_abcde");
const res = await fetch(
method: "POST",
body: JSON.stringify({ items: blobIds }),
headers: {
Authorization: `Bearer <access-token>`,
"X-Ads-Region": "EMEA",
if (!res.ok) {
throw new Error("Failed to fetch blobs");
const formData = await res.formData();
const metadataFile = formData.get("metadata.json");
if (!metadataFile) {
throw new Error("no metadata found");
const metadata = JSON.parse(typeof metadataFile === "string" ? metadataFile : await metadataFile.text()) as Metadata;
const files = new Map<string, () => Promise<ArrayBuffer>>();
formData.forEach((entry, key) => {
if (key === "metadata.json") return;
files.set(key, async () =>
typeof entry === "string" ? textEncoder.encode(entry).buffer : await entry.arrayBuffer(),
const blobIdToArrayBuffer = new Map<string, ArrayBuffer>();
for (let [blobId, { responseFieldName }] of Object.entries(metadata.results)) {
const getFile = files.get(responseFieldName);
if (!getFile) {
throw new Error("No file for blobId.");
const file = await getFile();
blobIdToArrayBuffer.set(blobId, file);
return blobIdToArrayBuffer;