Create an element with geometry.
The element data is similar to the elements in the element system, but with some changes, the most important one being a different geometry format. The elements can have a hierarchy of children with inline and remote references to other elements.
Note that the ID you can set on an element is just used for the remote references. The elements that are created will get new IDs. So to use a remote reference, set the elementId of the reference to the same as the ID of an element you have anywhere else in the list of elements you post or in the hierarchy of the root element.
If the element is georeferenced, you can specify a coordinate system and ref point in the geoReference field under properties on the root element. The local coordinates in the geometry should be relative to this ref point.
Deprecated. Please migrate to v2.
Resource Information
Method and URI | POST https://developer.api.autodesk.com/forma/integrate/v1alpha/elements |
Authentication Context | user context optional |
Required OAuth Scopes | data:read data:write |
Data Format | JSON |
Authorization* string | Must be Bearer <token> , where <token> is obtained via either a two-legged or three-legged OAuth flow. |
X-Ads-Region string | Specifies the geographical location (region) of the service. US or EMEA. Defaults to US. |
Content-Type* string | Must be application/json |
Query String Parameters
authcontext* string | Authcontext for the request, such as the Forma project context. |
s3Id string | If the payload for the request is larger than 6 MB it needs to be uploaded to S3 instead because AWS Lambda can only receive 6 MB. To do this make a GET request to /upload-link?authcontext=${authcontext}. You’ll get back an ID and a URL as JSON. First upload your payload by making a PUT request to the URL with your elements as the body. Then make a POST request with no body where s3Id is the ID you got from the request to /upload-link. |
Body Structure
rootElement* string | |
elements* object | |
** object | |
id* string | |
metadata object | |
licensing object | |
exportable* boolean | |
attributions* array: object | |
action* enum:string | Possible values: display , transfer |
content* string | |
url* string | |
licenseUrl* string | |
providerDescriptionUrl* string | |
predecessor string | |
properties object | |
category string | |
name string | |
internalRepresentationReference string | |
spacemakerObjectStorageReferences array: string | |
geoReference object | |
srid* number | |
refPoint* | |
anyOf* | |
0* array: number | |
1* array: number | |
elementProvider string | |
geometry | |
anyOf | |
0 object | |
type* enum:string | Will always be: File |
format* enum:string | Will always be: glb |
s3Id* string: UUID | |
nodeId string | |
doubleSided boolean | |
1 object | |
type* enum:string | Will always be: Inline |
format* enum:string | Will always be: Mesh |
doubleSided boolean | |
verts* array: number | |
faces* array: number | |
2 object | |
type* enum:string | Will always be: Inline |
format* enum:string | Will always be: GeoJSON |
geoJson* object | |
type* enum:string | Will always be: FeatureCollection |
features* array: object | |
id string | |
type* enum:string | Will always be: Feature |
properties* object | |
stroke | |
anyOf | |
0 string | |
1 object | |
color string | |
lineWidth number | |
stroke-width number | |
fill | |
anyOf | |
0 string | |
1 object | |
color string | |
opacity number | |
fill-opacity number | |
geometry* one of | |
0* object | |
coordinates* array: array | |
type* enum:string | Will always be: Polygon |
1* object | |
coordinates* array: array | |
type* enum:string | Will always be: LineString |
nodeId string | |
3 object | |
type* enum:string | Will always be: File |
format* enum:string | Will always be: GeoJSON |
s3Id* string: UUID | |
nodeId* string | |
color object | |
opacity object | |
stroke object | |
areaStatsReps object | |
grossFloorPolygonsV2 array: object | |
grossFloorPolygon* array: array | |
elevation* number | |
areaType string | |
buildingFloors3DSketch_UNSTABLE object | |
gfaUnits array | |
representations object | |
* one of | |
linked object | |
type* enum:string | Will always be: linked |
blobId* string | Use the upload links endpoint to get a blob ID. Data must be uploaded before the blob ID can be used. |
selection one of | |
equals object | |
type* enum:string | Will always be: equals |
value* string | |
startsWith object | |
type* enum:string | Will always be: startsWith |
value* string | |
properties object | |
* | |
children array: object | Note that either all children must have keys specified or none of them |
id* string | |
transform array: number | Standard 4 by 4 transformation matrix as a flat array of 16 numbers in column-major order. |
key string | A key must be unique within the same children list
Max length: 40 |
HTTP Status Code Summary
200 OK | Id and revision for the root of the newly created element tree |
400 Bad Request | Malformed request. The request body is not valid according to the schema. See response for details. |
401 Unauthorized | Bearer token is not valid |
403 Forbidden | Token does not have access to the specified authcontext. Are you in the right region? |
500 Internal Server Error | Internal server error |
Body Structure (200)
urn string | |
id string | |
revision string |
Id and revision for the root of the newly created element tree
curl -v 'https://developer.api.autodesk.com/forma/integrate/v1alpha/elements?authcontext=pro_123' \
-X 'POST' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer AuIPTf4KYLTYGVnOHQ0cuolwCW2a' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"rootElement": "",
"elements": {}
"urn": "urn:adsk-forma-elements:integrate:pro_example:f0c60b7b-d49f-43a1-9a34-a6834897f880:1719505510305",
"id": "",
"revision": ""