Quick Reference
Elements API
API for reading Forma elements
Operation | Method + Endpoint |
Get element | GET /v1alpha/elements/{urn} |
Retrieve multiple elements | POST /v1alpha/elements-batch |
Get blob | GET /v1alpha/blobs/{blobId} |
Retrieve multiple blobs | POST /v1alpha/blobs-batch |
Generators API
An API for interacting with Forma generators
Operation | Method + Endpoint |
List all generators | GET /v1alpha/generators |
Creating/replacing a generator | PUT /v1alpha/generators/{generatorId} |
Delete a generator | DELETE /v1alpha/generators/{generatorId} |
Geometries API
Operation | Method + Endpoint |
Batch Create Basic Geometries | POST /v1alpha/geometries/batch-create |
Integrate API
An API for creating Forma elements.
## Migrating to V2
### Major changes
- The geometry input is no longer supported. Instead pass valid representations such as a GLB.
- The “id” reference mechanism present in v1 is no longer supported. This also means you cannot create hierarchies unless the full URN values is decided upfront. For these cases the client must invoke multiple API calls (e.g. first create all children and get the URNs and then create a parent).
- IDs and revisions can be specified in all cases, but are still optional. Updating an element will set predecessor correctly.
- The API to update an element is simplified. It no longer follows JSON Merge Patch, but it does merge at second level. The implementation in v1 is slightly incorrect as the input schema isn’t deeply partial, but it still applies a deep merge.
- There is batch support for both creation and updating.
- The public HTTP API is only available for three-legged tokens.
### Endpoints
- From POST /v1/elements - Use POST /v2/elements and/or /v2/elements/batch-ingest - Split up to multiple requests if needed or decide ID and revision client-side
- From POST /v1/elements/{elementId} - Use POST /v2/elements/{elementUrn}/update - This requires you to know the previous revision - otherwise use the create endpoint instead - If you remove fields make sure to set it to null to not skip it - Consider using the batch endpoint if updating multiple elements
- From POST /v1/elements/{elementId}/revisions/{revision}/jsonMergePatch - Use POST /v2/elements/{elementUrn}/update - Verify that your previous merging needs is compatible (e.g. you don’t rely on merging deep in the element) - Consider using the batch endpoint if updating multiple elements
Operation | Method + Endpoint |
Create an element hierarchy | POST /v1alpha/elements |
Update an existing element | POST /v1alpha/elements/{elementId} |
Create a new element | POST /v2alpha/elements |
Update an element | POST /v2alpha/elements/{elementUrn}/update |
`Create and/or update multiple elements | POST /v2alpha/elements/batch-ingest |
Get a signed link to upload a payload | GET /v1alpha/upload-link |
Library API
The Library serves as a central place for a user’s data. See the [Help center](https://help.autodeskforma.eu/autodeskforma/en/articles/6976465-library-and-importing-files) for more info.
Operation | Method + Endpoint |
Add a new item to the library | POST /v1alpha/library-items |
Project API
API for managing Forma projects
Operation | Method + Endpoint |
Get a project | GET /v1alpha/projects/{projectId} |
Proposal API
API for managing Forma proposals
Operation | Method + Endpoint |
Create a proposal | POST /v1alpha/proposals |
List proposals | GET /v1alpha/proposals |
Update a proposal | PUT /v1alpha/proposals/{proposalId}/revisions/{revision} |
Terrain API
The Forma Terrain API provides a set of endpoints for managing and interacting with terrain data.
Operation | Method + Endpoint |
Create a new terrain | POST /v1alpha/terrains |
Mark a terrain as uploaded | PATCH /v1alpha/terrains/{elementId}/revisions/{revision} |
Download a terrain GLB file | GET /v1alpha/terrains/{elementId}/revisions/{revision}/download |