Interpreting sun analysis results
Background on the sun analysis can also be found in the Autodesk Forma help centre.
For sun results, the grid
is a Uint8Array
and each sample point is
represented with 30 Uint8
Each of the 8 bits in the Uint8
signals if the location is sunlit (1
) or not
) at a certain time.
Results are provided for every 6 minutes throughout the day, which is why 30 bytes are required to represent the results for each sample point:
24 hours * 10 measurements per hour = 240 bits = (240 / 8) bytes = 30 bytes.
This table illustrates which time stamps the bits of the Uint8
for a point represents:
Time | 00:00 | 00:06 | 00:12 | 00:18 | 00:24 | 00:30 | 00:36 | 00:42 | 00:48 | 00:54 | ... | 23:48 | 23:54 |
Time index [0 - 239] | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | ... | 238 | 239 |
Byte index [0 - 29] | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | ... | 29 | 29 |
Bit position [0 - 7] | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 7 | 6 | ... | 1 | 0 |
As an example: if the first byte if the grid is 10101010
, it would mean that the first point is sunlit at:
, 00:12
, 00:24
, 00:36
, while it is shaded at 00:06
, 00:18
, 00:30
, 00:42
A few examples of possible Uint8
values and what they represent:
Uint8 | Bits | Explanation |
255 | 1111 1111 | Point is sunlit at all the 8 corresponding points in time |
0 | 0000 0000 | Point is in shadow all of the 8 corresponding points in time |
3 | 0000 0011 | Point is sunlit the last two of the 8 corresponding points in time |
As we’re using the 30 bits packing for each sample point, we add a mask
which denotes if each sample point is a valid
sample point.
Code example: Sunlit points at 13:00
If you have followed the examples above and fetched a raw ground result as sunGroundGrid
, the following code example illustrates how to generate a mask of sunlit sample points at 13:00:
const N_SAMPLES_PER_HOUR = 10;
const BITS_PER_BYTE = 8;
const N_BYTES_PER_POINT = 30;
const N_POINTS = sunGroundGrid.mask.length;
// Find index corresponding to 13:00
const timeIndex = 13 * N_SAMPLES_PER_HOUR; // = 130
// Find the index of the byte containing the result for 13:00
const byteIndex = Math.floor(timeIndex / BITS_PER_BYTE); // = 16
// Find the position of the bit in the byte that represents 13:00
const bitPosition = BITS_PER_BYTE - (timeIndex % BITS_PER_BYTE) - 1; // = 5
function isKthBitSet(number, k) {
return (number & (1 << k)) > 0;
const sunlitPointsMask = new Float32Array(N_POINTS).fill(NaN);
for (let i = 0; i < N_POINTS; i++) {
if (sunGroundGrid.mask[i]) {
const scoresForPoint = sunGroundGrid.grid.slice(
// Extract the relevant byte and check if the corresponding bit is set
sunlitPointsMask[i] = isKthBitSet(scoresForPoint[byteIndex], bitPosition);