Documentation / Autodesk App Store Publisher Center

Autodesk App Store Publisher Center

Learn how to submit your app for App Store approval

The Autodesk App Store provides a centralized storefront for Autodesk customers to find applications that enhance their productivity using Autodesk products. Anyone can submit a product to be published to the Autodesk App Store. Candidate apps can be anything customers find useful, including plug-ins, stand-alone apps, training tutorials, e-books, and many other types of content. Get in touch with us at if you have questions about your solution's eligibility. 

The resources here will help you create or modify your apps to integrate with Store requirements and technical guidelines designed for a simple, consistent, and quick experience through the product approval process. 

Autodesk Developer Network

Joining Autodesk Developer Network (ADN) provides major benefits for the App Store developer, such as access to virtually all Autodesk software for your development purposes, online support, and access to developer information.

General information for app publishers

Explore this comprehensive documentation that offers detailed guidance on developing, submitting, distributing, and monetizing your desktop and browser-based applications within the Autodesk App Store.

Product store specific information

If you're new to publishing, this information for app developers will help you learn about best practice guidelines and a few requirements to follow when creating products for the Autodesk App Store.

Ready to submit your app?

Visit the Publisher Corner at the Autodesk App Store to complete your information and submit your solution for approval. 


If you have more questions after reviewing these guidelines and documentation, or if you want to submit an app for a product for which no specific guidelines are posted, email