Documentation / Autodesk App Store BIM 360

Autodesk App Store BIM 360

Information for professional developers

This guide is for developers and content providers new to publishing plug-ins and other content on the Autodesk App Store—either free, trial, or paid versions. It outlines best practice guidelines and a few requirements for publishers to follow when creating products for the Autodesk App Store. These guidelines are designed to ensure that users on the Autodesk App Store have a consistent experience when downloading multiple products from the Store.


You will be presented with a detailed list of requirements for publishing on the App Store when you first register to be a publisher. The information that follows is a summary. If there are any differences, then the online Publisher Agreement takes precedence.


Your product must be relevant to (and usable with) BIM 360 Team or BIM 360 Docs.

User privileges

The default user privilege for the Store apps is Windows 7/8.1/10/11 Admin User. The installer should have elevated user privileges.

Product stability

Your product should be stable and not behave or alter the behavior of BIM 360 in a way that we deem unsuitable, for example, blocking standard functionality, blocking the functionality of another plug-in, causing data loss, etc.

HTML help page

If compatible with BIM 360 Docs, your product must present a page with your app Forge Client ID and App Name so the user can add as integration. It must also present a quick-help with step-by-step guidance. See the tutorials section.

Ready to run

Your product must be ready to run as soon as it's installed (for desktop) or activated (for web apps). All applications can only use publicly documented production Autodesk Platform Services APIs and only approved OAuth workflows, either 2-legged or 3-legged. An application must not expose BIM 360 data on public domain, like public or shareable links or public storages.


User experience guidelines for your compatible app

  • Use of Autodesk sign in: we strongly recommend that, if your app requires 3-legged OAuth authentication, the app presents the Autodesk logo followed by the "Sign in" wording.

  • Use the BIM 360 platform thumbnail. Do not crop or otherwise modify this asset. For display of icons below 120px in width, use the small versions.

Additional information

The ADN team is here to help you be a successful publisher on the Autodesk App Store. If you have any further questions after reviewing these guidelines and the other documentation on the Autodesk App Store Publisher Center, email us at for support.

Official documentation is available at and the Developer Community Blog. You're also welcome to post questions on StackOverflow with the tag autodesk-bim360.