The future is connected with the Autodesk Fusion industry cloud

The Autodesk Fusion industry cloud for manufacturing will be flexible, extensible, and accessible from anywhere.

Integrating with other solutions will be easier than ever, enabling you to connect your organization, solutions, processes and people at the push of a button.

Woman demonstrating digital manufacturing
Woman demonstrating digital automation

Solve today's challenges through automation, extensions, and integrations

Maybe you want to connect Autodesk software to other solutions or integrate specific third-party apps. Or maybe you need to automate time-consuming, repetitive tasks in the design and make process?

You can do all this and more by leveraging APIs and by integrating with the Autodesk Fusion industry cloud and the manufacturing data model.

From simple integrations to data-rich visualizations - see what can you build with Autodesk Fusion industry cloud and Autodesk Platform Services

Meet companies innovating today with Autodesk Fusion industry cloud and Autodesk Platform Services

Click on the individual stories below to see what APIs and products are used to build each of these solutions.

Complement the Autodesk Fusion industry cloud with compatible APIs

FAQ and getting started

Build integrations and automations with the Autodesk Fusion industry cloud

Sign up for a free 90 day trial of Autodesk Platform Services to test these APIs and more.