19 Apr 2024
April News Recap

We don’t want you to miss any of this month’s updates. Below you’ll find a full recap of this month's major announcements, new code samples, documentation updates, events, and more.
Autodesk and Nemetschek: Openness unleashed with Design and Make Platform
To help our customers achieve their business goals more effectively, Autodesk continues to open its environment to partners—and even competitors. Platforms are changing the game for consumers with innovative, easy-to-use end-to-end solutions. Platforms that are open, allowing software developers to build upon each other’s work, provide the highest value. Our Interoperability Agreement with the Nemetschek Group is the most recent example of our commitment to building an open platform. We want to improve open collaboration between the architecture, engineering, construction, and operations (AECO) and media and entertainment (M&E) industries and enhance existing interoperability between our industry clouds and desktop products. Learn more in this blog.
Call for Proposals for Autodesk University 2024
Join us and 13,000+ others in San Diego, October 15-17 for Autodesk University, The Design & Make Conference. We are accepting class proposal through April 30th. Check out this blog post to learn more and submit your proposal.
Introducing Flow Graph Engine, the first Media and Entertainment oriented APS service
As you’ve likely seen with the Autodesk industry platform vision, we have three terms: Forma (AEC), Fusion (MFG), and now Flow (M&E) is coming into the platform with the Flow Graph Engine service. This service will allow you to evaluate Bifrost graphs in the cloud and therefore offload the heavy compute requirements that could only be run locally before. Learn more
BuildingConnected Write API is released
We are excited to announce the general availability of BuildingConnected (BC) write API! The BC write API is a large set with the total of 47 endpoints. With the read endpoints from the first release, the API covers most of BC entities and operations. It allows you to build more comprehensive integration applications. Find more info on our blog.
BuildingConnected API is now reinforced with TradeTapp API
The BuildingConnected API enables users to extract all key bidding and opportunity data from both BuildingConnected Pro and Bid Board Pro. With addition of TradeTapp API, it is now possible to also extract all key qualification and financial data from TradeTapp and Bid Board Pro, allowing you to store all your BuildingConnected data in your own data warehouse. Learn more.
ADN Members: Consider posting your videos to the Autodesk Developer Partner YouTube Channel
Desgin and engineering software tools are visual in nature and demonstrations have always been a key part of the selling process. Potential customers are pressed for time, but the importance and desire of prospects seeing the solution in action hasn't changed. Posting your videos to the Autodesk Developer Partner Channel on YouTube is a great opportunity for you to promote your solution in action, helping you reach Autodesk customers more effectively. Click here for guidance.
Code Samples and tips
Check out our latest code samples to jumpstart your application.
- Introducing adskMask: Secure Debugging in Design Automation
- Extract physical information using Design Automation
- Promoted, restored, uploaded
- Tandem Data API-Guide to Stream Creation
Continue to learn more with all previous code samples here
Customer Stories
CCTech used Autodesk’s Data Exchange SDK to build a connector that brings live 3D model data directly into PowerPoint. Designers use their design software of choice to push model geometry to the data exchange. The PowerPoint user fetches the data, which appears as an interactive model in the slide—no design software license or experience required. Read the story and watch the video.
We want you to get the most out of Autodesk Platform Services. We're here to provide you the best learning opportunities and materials. From informal group chats, week-long events to 1 on 1 help, and beyond, we have a resource for everyone.
Upcoming Accelerators: London, Virtual, and Barcelona
Benefit from dedicated time to develop your Autodesk Platform Services application – with direct help and training from APS engineering experts in London, England, Virtual, and Barcelona, Spain.
APS Tuesdays
Autodesk Platform Services (APS) Tuesdays is a free weekly webinar for anyone interested in powering digital transformations, digital twins, insightful dashboards, enterprise integrations, automations, and more. Come join our 45-minute introduction to learn the basics of Autodesk Platform Services, what people are building, and ways you can benefit. Learn more and save your spot here.
Coffee Break
Every 2 weeks, join Autodesk Developer Advocates to chat about what's new and in development, over a cup of coffee.
The Doctor is In
Book an appointment with our team of experts and receive live answers to your technical or business questions. We're here to help!
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