Type Definitions
Object used to apply the preferences by a Profile
viewCube boolean | Sets the visibility of the viewcube. |
viewCubeCompass boolean | Sets the visibility of the viewcube compass. The compass will only be displayed if model contains orientation data. |
viewType number | Sets the view to default (0), orthographic (1), perspective (2) or perspective with ortho faces (3). |
alwaysUsePivot boolean | Orbit controls always orbit around the currently set pivot point. |
zoomTowardsPivot boolean | default direction for camera dolly (zoom) operations to be towards the camera pivot point. |
reverseHorizontalLookDirection boolean | Sets a view navigation option to reverse the default direction for horizontal look operations. |
reverseVerticalLookDirection boolean | Sets a view navigation option to reverse the default direction for vertical look operations. |
orbitPastWorldPoles boolean | Set a view navigation option to allow the orbit controls to move the camera beyond the north and south poles (world up/down direction). |
clickToSetCOI boolean | Modify the default click behavior for the viewer. |
ghosting boolean | Toggles ghosting during search and isolate. |
optimizeNavigation boolean | Toggles whether the navigation should be optimized for performance. |
ambientShadows boolean | Enables or disables ambient shadows. |
antialiasing boolean | Enables or disables antialiasing. |
groundShadow boolean | Toggles ground shadow. |
groundReflection boolean | Toggles ground reflection. |
lineRendering boolean | Hides all lines in the scene. |
edgeRendering boolean | Turns edge topology display on/off (where available). |
lightPreset number, string | Sets the Light Presets (Environments) for the Viewer. |
envMapBackground boolean | Toggles environment map for background. |
firstPersonToolPopup boolean | Toggles first person tool popup. |
bimWalkToolPopup boolean | Toggles the bimwalk tool popup. |
grayscale boolean | Overrides line colors in 2D models to render in shades of gray. |
swapBlackAndWhite boolean | Will switch to white lines on a black background. |
progressiveRendering boolean | Toggles whether progressive rendering is used. |
openPropertiesOnSelect boolean | Open property panel when selecting an object (Only for GuiViewer3D). |
pointRendering boolean | Hides all points in the scene. |
backgroundColorPreset | Sets a color to the background. |
reverseMouseZoomDir boolean | Reverse the default direction for camera dolly (zoom) operations. |
leftHandedMouseSetup boolean | Reverse mouse buttons from their default assignment (i.e. Left mouse operation becomes right mouse and vice versa). |
fusionOrbit boolean | Sets the orbit to fusion orbit. |
fusionOrbitConstrained boolean | Sets the the orbit to the contrained fusion orbit. |
wheelSetsPivot boolean | Sets wheel-zoom action to automatically reset the orbit pivot to the location under the cursor. |
selectionSetsPivot boolean | Sets selection / un-selection action to automatically reset the orbit pivot to be the center of the multiple selection. |
bimWalkNavigatorType string | Sets the BimWalk tool navigator. |
bimWalkGravity boolean | Toggles the BimWalk tool’s gravity. |
defaultNavigationTool3D string | Sets which navigation tool will be used by the viewer. (ie: ‘extractor_defined’ || ‘bimwalk’) |
explodeStrategy string | Sets which algorithm is used when exploding a model. Supported values are ‘hierarchy’ (default) and ‘radial’. Other values are treated as ‘radial’. |
loadingAnimation boolean | Toggles loading animation for 2D Models. |
forcePDFCalibration boolean | Force PDF calibration before measuring. |
forceLeafletCalibration boolean | Force Leaflet calibration before measuring. |
restoreMeasurements boolean | When opening the measure tool restore any existing measurements that where created during the session. |
forceDoubleSided boolean | Force the render to use double sided materials. |
keyMapCmd boolean | Force mapping CMD key to Ctrl in Mac. |
displaySectionHatches boolean | Display the hatch pattern for planes in the section tool. This does not apply to the section box. |