Type Definitions
Contains viewer setting preference names for 3D models.
VIEW_CUBE string | Sets the visibility of the viewcube. |
VIEW_CUBE_COMPASS string | Sets the visibility of the viewcube compass. The compass will only be displayed if model contains orientation data. |
VIEW_TYPE string | Sets the view to orthographic or perspective. |
ALWAYS_USE_PIVOT string | Orbit controls always orbit around the currently set pivot point. |
ZOOM_TOWARDS_PIVOT string | Default direction for camera dolly (zoom) operations to be towards the camera pivot point. |
SELECTION_SETS_PIVOT string | Sets selection / un-selection action to automatically reset the orbit pivot to be the center of the multiple selection. |
REVERSE_HORIZONTAL_LOOK_DIRECTION string | Sets a view navigation option to reverse the default direction for horizontal look operations. |
REVERSE_VERTICAL_LOOK_DIRECTION string | Sets a view navigation option to reverse the default direction for vertical look operations. |
ORBIT_PAST_WORLD_POLES string | Set a view navigation option to allow the orbit controls to move the camera beyond the north and south poles (world up/down direction). |
CLICK_TO_SET_COI string | Modify the default click behavior for the viewer. |
GHOSTING string | Toggles ghosting during search and isolate. |
OPTIMIZE_NAVIGATION string | Toggles whether the navigation should be optimized for performance. |
AMBIENT_SHADOWS string | Enables or disables ambient shadows. |
ANTIALIASING string | Enables or disables antialiasing. |
GROUND_SHADOW string | Toggles ground shadow. |
GROUND_REFLECTION string | Toggles ground reflection. |
LINE_RENDERING string | Hides all lines in the scene. |
EDGE_RENDERING string | Turns edge topology display on/off (where available). |
LIGHT_PRESET string | Sets the Light Presets (Environments) for the Viewer. |
ENV_MAP_BACKGROUND string | Toggles environment map for background. |
FIRST_PERSON_TOOL_POPUP string | Toggles first person tool popup. |
BIM_WALK_TOOL_POPUP string | Toggles the bimwalk tool popup. |
BIM_WALK_NAVIGATOR_TYPE string | Identifier for the bimWalkNavigatorType preference. This is used to set the BimWalk tool navigator. |
BIM_WALK_GRAVITY string | Identifier for the bimWalkGravity preference. This is used to toggle the BimWalk tool’s gravity. |
DEFAULT_NAVIGATION_TOOL_3D string | identifier for the toolToUse preference. This is used to set which navigation tool will be used. |
SELECTION_MODE string | identifier for the selectionMode preference. This is used to set which selection mode (Leaf, First, Last object) wil be used by the viewer. |
ENABLE_CUSTOM_ORBIT_TOOL_CURSOR string | identifier for whether the OrbitDollyPanTool will customize the cursor visuals. |
EXPLODE_STRATEGY string | Specifies which algorithm is used when exploding the model. Supported values are ‘hierarchy’ (default) and ‘radial’. Other values are treated as ‘radial’. |
FORCE_DOUBLE_SIDED string | Forces the viewer to render materials as double sided. Otherwise it uses the model specified value. |