Autodesk Forge is now Autodesk Platform Services

Architects 49 Ltd.

Exponential productivity gain with code compliance plug-in for early-stage design


Established in 1983, Architects 49 Ltd. (A49) is an architecture firm with more than 250 collaborators working on projects around Asia and the Middle East. A49’s diverse team creates a broad range of architecture from small residences to large mixed-use projects.

The Challenge: Code compliance bottleneck during early-stage design

A49’s code compliance process was a bottleneck during early-stage design. One code specialist was tasked with reviewing designs against zoning regulations that change frequently. The manual process was repeated for each design concept across hundreds of projects a year, making it time-consuming to iterate designs that optimize project goals and profit. A49 needed a way to validate more design concepts early and quickly.


The APS Solution: Custom Autodesk Forma plug-in validates code compliance in real-time

A49 built a custom plug-in for Autodesk Forma that validates code compliance in real-time. Using the Forma API, A49 links zoning regulations from its server to Forma’s AI-powered design engine. Designers can review design compliance while exploring a wide range of options that optimize building footprint and volume, open space, area efficiency, and other variables. They perform the entire workflow in the Forma interface, and the final concept moves seamlessly into downstream design workflows.

The validation process used to take days. It now happens in seconds. Designers have gained time back to explore more options that maximize profits. A49 continues to innovate—next up is an AI-powered chat feature that allows architects to query more complex building regulations in Forma.

Business Outcomes: Exponential productivity gain and more design options

  • Real-time feedback speeds code compliance process from days to seconds
  • Efficiency gains allow designers to explore wider range of options that maximize profits and project goals and meet code
  • Single environment for design exploration reduces data loss, enables data to flow downstream

“Having crucial information at early design stage is critical for making informed decisions, and Forma has that capability.” Patana Rattananavathong, Associate - Digital Technology Specialist

“It’s a simple tool, but it’s a huge time saver. It gives our architects more time to create higher-quality designs—or just go home and have a better quality of life.” - Bunda Pongprot, A49, Associate Partner, Head of Integrated Research and Innovations

APIs and Services

Forma API
Forma API

Autodesk Products

Autodesk BIM Collaborate
Autodesk Docs
3ds Max

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