nCircle Tech

Platform and AI-powered dashboards for better decision-making during operations

Design and Manufacturing

nCircle Tech, an APS Certified Partner, was founded in 2012 as a custom software development and BIM service provider, specializing in AEC and manufacturing. Wrapping a unique blend of automation and engineering services with innovative technological approaches, nCircle Tech builds dedicated development teams to augment customers’ capacities, taking care of their end-to-end product development on desktop, mobile and cloud. An intricate understanding and creative implementation of client needs and requirements has made nCircle the leading global domain expert and solutions provider in the CAD-BIM industry.

The Challenge: Outdated information skews decision-making during building operations

Decision-making during building operations can be skewed if executives and managers are working with outdated asset information. Operations professionals need data about building layouts, usage, and capacity to optimize their ROI, such as setting the best rental prices or allocating space for the highest use. To obtain the information, workers pull data from models, business applications, and other sources, classifying and filtering it for a spreadsheet, and feeding it into a single-page, static dashboard. This manual process can take weeks to months, rendering the data out of date at the point of decision-making. nCircle Tech sought to bring live building data into a dashboard view that’s enriched by a 3D model viewing experience.

The APS Solution: Connecting models to Power BI dashboards with real-time data 

nCircle Tech reached for the new AEC Data Model API, which allowed it to connect Power BI dashboards with data from building information models. The AEC Data Model enables granular access to design and make data in the Autodesk Platform without requiring users to load design software. nCircle’s dashboards marry model data with other datasets, such as costs, displaying the results within minutes. The dashboards associate all the data with the models themselves, so it’s easy to consider layouts, usage, and capacity in context.

nCircle further enhanced ease of use by building in AI assistance from ChatGPT. Users get quick responses to conversational questions and commands, such as “Which doors can accommodate a queen-sized bed?” or “Highlight the insulated walls!” Answers display directly inside or alongside the 3D models. Decision makers can use these dashboard advances to dig deeper into their building information and optimize asset value, with confidence they’re working with accurate information.

Business Outcomes: Real-time information and insights for better decisions

  • Operations professionals optimize decision-making with up-to-date information viewable in the context of a 3D model
  • Access to real-time data reduces time spent gathering data from months to minutes
  • AI-assisted queries increase ease of use for business professionals and other non-technical users

“With a dashboard gathering real-time data directly from actual BIM models, customers are able to make more accurate and insightful decisions. This solution also enables us to quickly create compelling dashboards, which are easier for customers to use." - Varun Bhartiya, Co-founder and CEO, nCircle Tech


APIs and Services

AEC Data Model API
AEC Data Model API

Autodesk Products

BIM 360

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