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Getting Started

Here's a couple of things you want to do before building your first Autodesk Platform Services application.

Create an account

If you don't have an APS account yet, sign up for one on


You can take advantage of a trial subscription that is valid for 3 months.

Create app credentials

In order to authenticate ourselves to the APS platform, we will need to generate app credentials (specifically, a client ID and client secret) for our application. After logging into the developer portal, go to your profile menu in the top-right corner, and click on Applications:

Next, click on the Create application button:

Enter the name of your application. Select the type of application that applies to you, and click the Create button:

And your application is now ready. Let's store your Client ID and Client Secret credentials as we will need these soon!

Finally, set the Callback URL under General Settings to http://localhost:8080/api/auth/callback, and enable the APIs you want your application to have access to. Unless you have any specific reason for limiting your application's access to the different services, enable everything.


Pay close attention to the Callback URL. This is the address your application's users will be redirected to after logging in with their Autodesk credentials. It can be any arbitrary URL but it has to match exactly the URL your server application expects. In our tutorials we will always use the same address: http://localhost:8080/api/auth/callback.

Finally, update the application by clicking on the Save changes button, and you're all set!

Provision access in other products

In certain cases it is possible for your application to integrate with other APS-based products such as Autodesk Construction Cloud, or Autodesk BIM 360. We leverage this capability in the Hubs Browser and ACC Administrator tutorials where you can learn about accessing designs from Autodesk Docs, BIM 360 Docs, or Fusion Teams.

However, some of these products must provision access for a specific APS application based on its client ID. Follow the steps below for any specific product you would like to integrate your application with.


If you are not planning to integrate your application with other products for now, you can skip the rest of this page and come back to it later when needed.


Make sure you have admin access to an Autodesk Construction Cloud (ACC for short) account

  1. Log into your ACC account, and navigate to Account Administration
  • From the overview of projects
  • From the user interface of a specific project
  1. On the Account Admin page, go to Custom Integrations, use the Add Custom Integration button on the top to add a custom integration.
  1. On the Add custom integration dialog page, fill out the Client ID, Custom integration name and Description fields.
  1. When ready, hit the Add button

After completing the process, your application will be able to use different APS services such as Data Management API or ACC API to access information from all projects under this ACC account.