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Learn from your peers 

APS Accelerators are a week-long opportunity for developers to work intensively on a chosen project with help and support directly from the Autodesk Platform Services team.

Attend an Accelerator to network with industry experts and peers, exchange ideas, and build your proof of concept. 

Watch this video to learn more about the APS accelerator experience! 

"The Accelerator is a really good experience. We came with a laundry list of things a few specific problems we were trying to solve. And having the team say 'you know that IS hard, let's solve it together' was great." Ben Burris, CTO, Grit Virtual

"I would definitely recommend the Accelerator. It was actually a blessing for us a to be here. Free help for us to get going, which is unusual. It probably pushed us a lot farther than we could have back at the office."

Adam Keating, Colab Software

"One of the biggest benefits of the accelerators is definitely getting face-to-face time with the experts. We can email back and forth, we can submit issues. But at the end of the day, being able to walk through certain challenges, ask them questions about specific APIs; just like VR meetings, you can solve things must faster because you're actually confronting the problems with people all simultaneously chiming in, rather than the inefficiencies of back and forth emails or slack messages."

Angel Say, CEO, Resolve

"Having the team there, and being able to just have that real time dialogue is fantastic. It's a nice community to be engaged with and being able to talk to these guys if we run into a problem with the API, or we've got an idea. You come in with an idea and normally by the end you're coming out with a product that needs some polish but you've at least got over the proof of concept stage. The amount of functionality we now have because we came and said, 'look, we've got this challenge, we're not quite sure how to solve it.' And they worked with us."

Max Mallia-Parfitt, Director of Applied Technologies, Fulcro

"We had made a prototype before we went to the Accelerator. And then we went there and we met with Jim's team and all these amazing guys. And they really helped us to make this application even better."

Frode Torresdal, Head of Development for BIM and Structural Engineering, Norconsult Information Systems

Interested in attending?

Download this 'Convince Your Manager' letter below and tell them you want to fast-track your application development with a APS Accelerator.


Convince your manager


Reach out if you have any questions about an Autodesk Platform Services Accelerator.