HTTP Specification
Endpoint | Description |
POST activities | Creates a new Activity. |
GET activities | Lists all available Activities. |
GET activities/{id} | Gets the details of the specified Activity. |
DELETE activities/{id} | Deletes the specified Activity. |
POST activities/{id}/aliases | Creates a new alias for this Activity. |
GET activities/{id}/aliases | Lists all aliases for the specified Activity. |
GET activities/{id}/aliases/{aliasId} | Gets alias details. |
PATCH activities/{id}/aliases/{aliasId} | Modifies alias details. |
DELETE activities/{id}/aliases/{aliasId} | Deletes the alias. |
POST activities/{id}/versions | Creates a new version of the Activity. |
GET activities/{id}/versions | Lists all versions of the specified Activity. |
GET activities/{id}/versions/{version} | Gets the details of the specified version of the Activity. |
DELETE activities/{id}/versions/{version} | Deletes the specified version of the Activity. |
Endpoint | Description |
POST appbundles | Creates a new AppBundle. |
GET appbundles | Lists all available AppBundles. |
GET appbundles/{id} | Gets the details of the specified AppBundle. |
DELETE appbundles/{id} | Deletes the specified AppBundle. |
POST appbundles/{id}/aliases | Creates a new alias for this AppBundle. |
GET appbundles/{id}/aliases | Lists all aliases for the specified AppBundle. |
GET appbundles/{id}/aliases/{aliasId} | Get alias details. |
PATCH appbundles/{id}/aliases/{aliasId} | Modify alias details. |
DELETE appbundles/{id}/aliases/{aliasId} | Deletes the alias. |
POST appbundles/{id}/versions | Creates a new version of the AppBundle. |
GET appbundles/{id}/versions | Lists all versions of the specified AppBundle. |
GET appbundles/{id}/versions/{version} | Gets the details of the specified version of the AppBundle. |
DELETE appbundles/{id}/versions/{version} | Deletes the specified version of the AppBundle. |
Endpoint | Description |
GET engines | Lists all available Engines. |
GET engines/{id} | Gets the details of the specified Engine. |
Endpoint | Description |
GET forgeapps/{id} | Returns the user’s (app) nickname. |
PATCH forgeapps/{id} | Creates/updates the nickname for the current app. |
DELETE forgeapps/{id} | Delete all data associated with this app. |
Endpoint | Description |
GET health/{engine} |
Endpoint | Description |
PUT servicelimits/{owner} | Creates a new service limits configuration or updates an exiting one. |
GET servicelimits/{owner} | Get the service limit configuration. |
DELETE servicelimits/{owner} | Deletes user service limits. |
Endpoint | Description |
POST workitems | Creates a new WorkItem and queues it for processing. |
GET workitems/{id} | Gets the status of a specific WorkItem. |
DELETE workitems/{id} | Cancels a specific WorkItem. |
POST workitems/batch | Creates new WorkItems and queues them for processing. |
GET workitems?startAfterTime={epochSecondsInUTC} | Gets all WorkItem ids that have been updated after a specified time in the epoch seconds of UTC. |
POST workitems/status | Gets WorkItem status for an array of WorkItem Ids. |
POST workitems/combine | Creates a simple fan-in workflow where 1-N workitems (parts) must complete before the final workitem (combinator) is processed. |