Documentation / Inventor OEM

Inventor OEM

Develop a branded application with a powerful foundation

With Autodesk® Inventor® OEM, developers have access to the same API supported by Inventor®. Unlike the add-in approach, which extends Inventor, Inventor OEM allows developers to create their own branded products based on Inventor. Branded products present their own identity while at the same time being completely compatible with other Inventor applications.


Autodesk views Inventor OEM as a means to further extend Inventor technology into new markets and industries. Inventor OEM can be used as a platform by independent developers to create products to address unique market needs or respond to niche opportunities. The only limitations on applications that Inventor OEM cannot be used for are:

(1) pure data translation applications (applications that convert from one format to another), and
(2) applications that emulate and therefore compete directly with Autodesk Inventor.

Other than that, the range of applications that could be developed is pretty much only limited by imagination and ambition.

In building their branded product, developers can use part, assembly or drawing level functionality (assembly requires part, drawing requires assembly). Inventor’s extensive range of translators can also be included allowing data to be read into the branded application in a wide variety of proprietary and industry standard formats. The BIM Exchange and iLogic add-ins can also be included.

A key part of the Inventor OEM technology is the Configuration Wizard which allows customization of the branded application’s configuration. Aspects of the branded application which can be customized are: the splash screen and zero doc images, the application icon, and the various application ribbons. Through customization, the resulting application can be specifically tailored. Using the Configuration Wizard converting an existing Inventor add-in into a branded product is a fairly straightforward process.

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