Autodesk Forge is now Autodesk Platform Services

22 Oct 2019

Meet the Forge DevCon Team: Lanh Hong

We sat down with Lanh Hong, Developer Advocate from the Forge team to hear what she has been working on recently, and what she is excited about for Forge DevCon this November.


Can you tell me your name and what you do at Autodesk?

My name is Lanh Hong, I’m a Developer Advocate at Autodesk. Pretty much what I do is Forge and Maya API support. I try and figure out people’s problems, do a lot of research, a lot of debugging what they’re doing, and just try to figure out a way to help them and solve their API problems. Aside from that, I write blog posts and code samples for Maya and the Forge developer community.



Tell me a little bit more about your background?

I graduated from UC Davis in 2018. I’m a fresh graduate. I used to be an intern [see her intern picture below!] and I started working full-time here in September. It’s been a good experience; I really enjoy my time here. A lot of the managers here are really nice. They’re really encouraging and they always encourage you to talk to them about any problem or feedback that you have. I really enjoy the openness among everyone here.

Lanh Hong Intern


What do you like about Forge and being part of the Forge team?

What’s interesting about Forge is that it’s the technology that everyone is using these days. Just learning about the cloud and the web, and learning about the concepts behind Forge is going to really help me with my future career.



What are you looking forward to (or hope to see at Forge DevCon)?

This is my first Forge DevCon. I’m really excited about the expo, trying out the demos, seeing what people are doing with Forge, how they’re using Forge, and what they’re building with Forge. I know the APIs, but how do you combine them and build a full product from it?


If you could imagine any technology possible, what would you imagine and why?

You know the phone holograms you see in movies? You touch it, swipe away, close. 


Can you give me a fun fact about yourself?

I dyed my hair because of a dream. I had a dream where my friend was insane, and she was intensely massaging my hair with purple liquid. And the next day, I called up my friend and said, “Hey, should I dye my hair?” That dream was a calling.



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