Autodesk Forge is now Autodesk Platform Services

24 Sep 2019

Don't Miss Digital Twins, Design Automation, and Data at Darmstadt on 14 October

Forge DevCon Germany is approaching fast.

The event will be held on Monday 14, October in Darmstadt Germany at Central Station. 


This year the content is focused on how you can do more with design data.

So whether you are interested in leveraging AR/VR, machine learning, IoT, digital twins, automating error detection, or just connecting workflows and teams - your design data holds the key to creating these types of experiences. And the Forge APIs can help you tap into that potential.


This event will offer real-life solutions and learning labs so you have a head start on creating some of these new solutions and applications.


Tickets are only 160 Euros, are first come first serve, and there are still a few seats available.

Register Today


Below are some classes and sessions that you won't want to miss.

Sessions Description



Learn how Autodesk Forge can help accelerate the digital transformation of your business. Hear from VP of Forge, Susanna Holt, as well as guests Frode Tørresdal, Head of Development at Norconsult and Chris Acheson, CEO and Founder of CADshare. 


Forge Data Platform Update


Susanna Holt and Philippe Videau share the latest updates on the Forge Data Platform, plans for the future, and how you can leverage this platform for your business.


Rapid Fire Exhibitor Presentations


Hear from 8 exhibitors in 45 minutes! Learn more about who they are and what they have built on the Forge Platform. Then you can visit them during the lunch break after to learn more and vote for your favorite! See Exhibitor Tab for more Information.(Kaulquappe, NOVA BUILDING IT , Cideon, TID Informatik, Moicon, CADshare, N+P, Xinaps) 


Design Automation API Sessions for REVIT, Inventor, and 3ds Max


See solutions built using the new Design Automation APIs like automating AEC workflows in REVIT, prepare 3ds Max files for AR/VR, and explore 5 examples of process automation for Inventor. (Note these are three separate classes)


What's new with the BIM 360 API 


Hear from MIkako Harada, BIM 360 Expert, on the latest APIs released and ones that are in the works.


Designing a Digital Twin that works


Moicon will explain how they use techniques derived from game design to create intuitive interfaces for stakeholders to navigate through a complex model of a building, production line, or machine.


Creating a Visual Configurator using Unity and Forge


Xinaps builds cloud-based product configurators that combine the power of Forge and Unity to enable intelligent design optimization by providing accurate calculations and multiple cost scenarios – based on data extracted directly from the customer’s BIM model. 


Adding model compliance checking to your BIM 360 workflow


Singular AG will present examples of BIM data validation and certification workflows they have created for BIM 360 customers, and explain how they implemented these workflows with Forge.

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