6 Oct 2017
3 Legged OAuth 2 using Insomnia REST

A couple of weeks ago while preparing for my upcoming Forge DevCon class: "Best Practices with Forge REST APIs" I came across a new tool for testing my REST calls. This awesome tool is called Insomnia, I agree it does have a catchy name since I'm sure many of us have spent countless hours playing with REST API's, well at least I have.
Insomnia is a project created by @gregoryschier in 2016. Since then his monthly active user has passed the 25K mark which wowed me and encourage me more to try it. Why I chose to use Insomnia instead of Postman, simply because it is simple :). I like how easy is to import my cURL commands from the Developer Documents into insomnia and how quickly I can test all the Forge REST calls and different workflows with it, but what got me to love this app was the quick and easy setup of OAuth 2.0. It was fast really really fast. I could go on in trying to convince you to use Insomnia, and also explain you all the process to set up OAuth 2.0 with the app, but why not show you with a live video and give you a tease on how easy and nice it is.
Also, it is worth mentioning the support Gregory is providing is A+ quality through his Slack Channel.
If you want to check out this nice app head over here and follow it here and definitely start playing with it today!