10 May 2024
Different ways of viewing design models

Here is a list of the main ways you can view your models in the browser using our technology.
Note: all of them are using the same Viewer SDK underneath to display the model.
Autodesk Viewer
(free, manual translation)
Website: https://viewer.autodesk.com/
You can use this to view your model for free and is also being used in our desktop products for the Shared Views functionality - see e.g. Shared Views in Inventor
We do not provide programmatic access to this so you have to upload your models manually either through the website or the Shared Views functionality.
BIM 360 Docs (BIM 360) / Autodesk Docs (ACC)
(subscription, automatic translation)
Website: https://construction.autodesk.com/products/autodesk-docs/
You can upload files here programmatically as well using the Data Management API and they will be translated to the Viewer format (SVF/SVF2) automatically (i.e. you don't have to call the POST /job endpoint that costs credits)
Fusion Team
(subscription, manual translation)
Website: https://www.autodesk.com/products/fusion-360/team-participant
You can upload here too using the Data Management API, but automatic translation to SVF is not guaranteed. The only way you can make sure the translation gets started is by going on the View tab on the Fusion Team website.
("Preparing <file> for viewing" basically means "Translating to SVF" (i.e. calling POST /job
in the background))
Object Storage Service
(pay as you go, automatic translation)
Website: https://aps.autodesk.com/developer/overview/data-management-api
You can upload files here and translate them programmatically, or use utilities like Buckets Tools or VS Code Extension. You will be charged for each translation once your APS trial finished. You can check out the tutorial to get started.
General Info
All the above services store the file's binary in the Object Storage Service. If you want to upload files there you need to use the Data Management API.
If the files are not translated automatically then you need to use the Model Derivative API to do the translation.
No matter where the file is stored, if you are calling the POST /job endpoint using your APS application's credentials, you will be charged, but as shown above, in some cases you don't have to use that endpoint.