Retrieve exchange snapshot revisions
This API returns a list of revisions of an exchange snapshot. Use the exchange snapshot revision IDs to identify the assets, relationships, and binary assets to download.
Resource Information
Method and URI | GET{collectionId}/exchanges/{exchangeId}/snapshots:exchange/revisions |
Authentication Context | app only |
Required OAuth Scopes | data:read |
Data Format | JSON |
Authorization* string | Must be Bearer <token> , where <token> is obtained via OAuth |
* Required
URI Parameters
collectionId string | The unique ID of the collection |
exchangeId string | The unique ID of the exchange |
Query String Parameters
cursor string | The pagination cursor returned by the server to the client. It expires in 10 minutes. |
filters string | Filters to use when retrieving revisions (fromRevision). You can specify filters separated by semicolons. Example: fromRevision==YRc2mxEFc1KvVPVmkFQhnX |
include array: string | If this query parameter is set as status: snapshot status is provided as attributes of a revision |
limit int | Allowed limit of revisions in response. Default is 20 and max is 100. |
HTTP Status Code Summary
200 OK | A list of revisions for snapshot was retrieved successfully. |
400 Bad Request | The request is invalid. |
401 Unauthorized | Invalid authorization header. |
403 Forbidden | Access denied regardless of authorization status. |
404 Not Found | The specified resource was not found. |
500 Internal Server Error | Unexpected service interruption. |
Body Structure (200)
Expand all
pagination object | The information on the pagination of the response |
limit int | Upper limit to the paginated results |
cursor string | Current cursor (or index) marking where you are in the paginated set |
nextUrl string | Next URL |
results array: object | The paginated results |
createdBy object | The information on the user or service that last modified the entity. |
userId string | The user ID that created / modified the entity. |
serviceId string | The service ID that created / modified the entity. |
date datetime: ISO 8601 | Timestamp in the following format: . |
lastModifiedBy object | The information on the user or service that last modified the entity. |
userId string | The user ID that created / modified the entity. |
serviceId string | The service ID that created / modified the entity. |
date datetime: ISO 8601 | Timestamp in the following format: . |
revisionId string | The unique ID of the revision |
attributeChanged boolean | True only if attribute has changed |
attributeChangeSet array: object | List of attribute changes |
name string | The name of the attribute |
value string | The value of the attribute |
category string | The category of the attribute. Possible values: system , application , internal . |
resourceId string | The unique ID of the resource |
changeTime datetime: ISO 8601 | The time the revision was last changed |
componentChanged boolean | True if component has changed |
componentChangeSet object | The set of permission changes |
null boolean | |
removedPropertiesPaths array: string | |
operation enum:string | Possible values: INSERT , MODIFY , REMOVE , NO_OP |
splitTypeId object | |
mapOrArray boolean | |
array boolean | |
enum boolean | |
map boolean | |
single boolean | |
fullPath string | |
permissionChanged boolean | True if permissions have changed |
permissionChangeSet object | The set of permission changes |
null boolean | |
removedPropertiesPaths array: string | |
operation enum:string | Possible values: INSERT , MODIFY , REMOVE , NO_OP |
splitTypeId object | |
mapOrArray boolean | |
array boolean | |
enum boolean | |
map boolean | |
single boolean | |
fullPath string | |
status string | |
root string | The unique ID identifying the root entity within the paginated results |
A list of revisions for snapshot was retrieved successfully.
curl -v '' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer AuIPTf4KYLTYGVnOHQ0cuolwCW2a'
"pagination": {
"limit": 95,
"cursor": "46daa630-5f1c-4e46-b004-b512ff3649ac",
"nextUrl": "/v1/collections/co.l1Lf2-orRbW-3oDLHMvSxg/exchanges/3f351bac-f192-3e8a-9eae-e7f71e55d65f/assets:sync?cursor=46daa630-5f1c-4e46-b004-b512ff3649ac"
"results": [
"createdBy": {
"userId": "QTCWNHC87PKH",
"serviceId": "test-client-id",
"date": "2021-07-07T17:30:31.395476Z"
"lastModifiedBy": {
"userId": "QTCWNHC87PKH",
"serviceId": "test-client-id",
"date": "2021-07-07T17:30:31.395476Z"
"revisionId": "1642033877331_fa58280e-6e05-32dc-a996-addfeeeb0f5w",
"attributeChanged": false,
"attributeChangeSet": [
"name": "rootAssetId",
"value": "ec78857a-9831-3fdf-b598-8c7214a30d33_STABLE1",
"category": "application"
"resourceId": "4f6da942-4053-368c-a161-e72b4179b70f",
"changeTime": "2022-01-13T00:31:21.878835Z",
"componentChanged": true,
"componentChangeSet": false,
"permissionChanged": false,
"permissionChangeSet": false,
"status": ""
"root": "1616148972940_19934de8-2b10-30c2-a35f-a072fc1cba73"
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