Retrieve a general list of qualification data for multiple sub-contractors, processed in TradeTapp and based on the data input by sub-contractors during the completion of their questionnaires.
Resource Information
Method and URI | GET https://developer.api.autodesk.com/construction/tradetapp/v2/qualifications |
Authentication Context | user context required |
Required OAuth Scopes | data:read |
Data Format | JSON |
Authorization* string | Must be Bearer <token> , where <token> is obtained via a three-legged OAuth flow. |
Query String Parameters
cursorState string | An opaque cursor token that identifies where the next page of paginated results should start. It is returned in each paginated response so that it can be provided in the next request to continue paginated results. If a paginated response contains no cursorState value, there are no further pages to return.
Omit this parameter to initiate a paginated request or to restart pagination. |
limit int | The maximum number of records that the endpoint may return per page.
Note that a returned page may contain fewer records than the limit under either of these conditions:
Default value: |
filter[updatedAt] string | The required range of dates and times during which the last update must have been made to the objects returned in the response, in ISO 8601 format.
A single date and time takes this format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.SSSZ , A date and time range takes this
format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.SSSZ..YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.SSSZ . Range queries can be closed or open in either
direction: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.SSSZ.. or ..YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.SSSZ .
The filtered results include the lower bound of the range and exclude the upper bound. |
filter[uniqueId] string | The internal unique ID that is set by the GC. This may be populated from an external system via a sub-contractor backlog upload. |
searchText string | Search for records whose company name or parent company name matches this text. It performs a case-insensitive search with the given regular expression. If not a valid regular expression, it performs an exact text search. |
HTTP Status Code Summary
200 OK | OK |
400 Bad Request | The parameters of the requested operation are invalid. |
401 Unauthorized | The provided bearer token is not valid. |
403 Forbidden | The user or service represented by the bearer token does not have permission to perform this operation. |
404 Not Found | The requested resource could not be found. |
429 Too Many Requests | Rate limit exceeded; wait some time before retrying. The ‘Retry-After’ header might provide the amount of the time to wait. |
500 Internal Server Error | An unknown error occurred on the server. |
Body Structure (200)
pagination object | The pagination details of a response. |
limit int | The maximum number of records to return per page.
Note that a returned page may contain fewer records than the limit under either of these conditions:
Default value: |
cursorState string | An opaque cursor token that identifies where the next page of paginated results should start. It is returned in each paginated response so that it can be provided in the next request to continue paginated results. If a paginated response contains no cursorState value, there are no further pages to return.
Omit this parameter to initiate a paginated request or to restart pagination. |
totalResults int | The total number of records returned overall. |
nextUrl string | Link that will return the next page of data. If not included, this is the last page of data. It is allowed that a page may be empty but contain a next paging link. Consumers should stop paging only when the next link no longer appears. |
previousUrl string | Link that will return the previous page of data. If the previous link is supported, then the absence indicates the first page of results. |
results array: object | A general list of qualification data based on input by sub-contractors during the completion of their questionnaire. |
id string | Sub-contractor’s BC ID. This is a unique identifier for the company’s qualification data object. |
uniqueId string | The internal unique ID that is set by the GC for the sub-contractor. This may be populated from an external system via a sub-contractor backlog upload or other. |
questionnaireVersion string | The version or type of the qualification questionnaire filled out by the sub-contractor. |
qualification object | The current state of sub-contractor company’s qualification. |
status enum:string | The status of the qualification.
internalSingleLimit int | The internal single limit value set for this qualification, identifying the maximum project size a sub-contractor should be awarded. |
internalTotalLimit int | The internal total limit value set for this qualification, identifying the maximum total internal backlog a sub-contractor should have. |
dateExpires datetime: ISO 8601 | The date on which the qualification status expires. ISO-8601 date format (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ). |
summary string | The summary note on the sub-contractor company’s qualification. |
denialReason string | The reason the sub-contractor company did not qualify |
preExpirationStatus enum:string | The status of the qualification before it expired.
applicationStatus enum:string | The current stage of the company’s application.
applicationDetail enum:string | Qualifying details on the company’s application status.
companyName string | Name of the sub-contractor’s company that submitted the qualification questionnaire. |
yearFounded int | The year the sub-contractor’s company was founded. |
stateFounded string | The state where the sub-contractor’s company was founded. |
taxIdType enum:string | The sub-contractor’s tax ID type.
Possible values: US_FEIN , US_SSN , CAN_BN , OTHER |
federalTaxId string | The sub-contractor’s company’s tax id. |
submissionCurrency string | The ISO-4217 Currency code for all monetary values in the sub-contractor’s submission. |
numberOfHomeOfficeEmployees int | The sub-contractor’s number of employees in the company’s home office. |
numberOfFieldSupervisoryEmployees int | The sub-contractor’s number of employees in the field. |
hasProfessionalLicenses boolean | Indicates if the sub-contractor’s company has any professional licenses. |
hasUnionAffiliations boolean | Indicates if the sub-contractor’s company has any union affiliations. |
hasParentCompany boolean | Indicates if the sub-contractor’s company has a parent company. |
parentCompanyName string | If they have one, the name of the sub-contractor’s parent company. |
currentEstimatedBacklog int | The sub-contractor’s company’s estimate of their current backlog. |
insuranceBrokerCompanyName string | The name of the sub-contractor’s insurance brokerage company. |
insuranceBrokerContactName string | The name of the sub-contractor’s contact at their insurance broker. |
insuranceBrokerContactPhone string | The phone number of the sub-contractor’s insurance broker contact. |
insuranceBrokerContactEmail string | The email address of the sub-contractor’s insurance broker contact. |
suretyBrokerCompanyName string | The name of the sub-contractor’s surety broker company. |
suretyBrokerContactName string | The name of the sub-contractor’s surety broker contact. |
suretyBrokerContactPhone string | The phone number of the sub-contractor’s surety broker contact. |
suretyCompanyName string | The name of the sub-contractor’s surety company. |
suretySingleProjectBondingCapacity int | The sub-contractor’s single project bonding capacity. |
suretyAggregateBondingCapacity int | The sub-contractors aggregate total bonding capacity. |
bankName string | The name of the sub-contractor’s bank. |
bankLineOfCreditTotal int | The sub-contractor’s total line of credit amount with the bank. |
bankLineOfCreditOutstanding int | The sub-contractor’s outstanding line of credit amount with the bank. |
bankContactName string | The name of the sub-contractor’s contact at the bank. |
bankContactPhone string | The phone number of the sub-contractor’s contact at the bank. |
bankContactEmail string | The email address of the sub-contractor’s contact at the bank. |
submittedAt string | The date / time that the questionnaire was submitted. ISO-8601 date format (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ). |
updatedAt string | The date / time that the questionnaire was last updated. ISO-8601 date format (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ). |
csiCodesForWorkPerformed array: object | List of Construction Specification Institute codes for the sub-contractor’s trades. |
primaryCode string | The primary code. |
secondaryCode string | The secondary code. |
tertiaryCode string | The tertiary code. |
codeDescription string | The code description. |
regionsServed array: object | A list of regions the sub-contractor serves. |
region string | The region name chosen by the sub-contractor based on their region served. |
marketsServed array: object | A list of markets the sub-contractor normally serves. |
market string | The market name the sub-contractor chose based on their markets served. |
completedReferences array: object | References for the sub-contractor’s completed projects. |
projectName string | The name of the project. |
location string | The location of the project. |
yearCompleted int | The year the project was completed. |
value int | The sub-contractor’s subcontract value for the project. |
scope string | Scope of the sub-contractor’s contract for the project. |
referenceContactCompany string | Project reference contact company. |
referenceContactName string | Project reference contact name. |
referenceContactPhone string | Project reference contact phone number. |
referenceContactEmail string | Project reference contact email address. |
isLargestProject boolean | Indicates if this is the sub-contractor’s largest previously completed project. |
companyContacts array: object | The sub-contractor’s company contacts. |
positionTitle string | The title of the sub-contractor’s contact’s position. |
contactName string | The name of the sub-contractor’s contact. |
contactPhone string | The sub-contractor’s contact’s phone number. |
contactEmail string | The sub-contractor’s contact’s email address. |
contactFax string | The sub-contractor’s contact’s fax number. |
contactType enum:string | The type of sub-contractor contact.
Possible values: COMPANY , PREQUAL , BOTH |
insuranceCoverages array: object | The insurance coverages that the sub-contractor has. |
insuranceType enum:string | The type of insurance the sub-contractor holds.
carrier string | The name of the sub-contractor’s insurance carrier. |
perOccurrenceLimit int | The per occurrence limit the sub-contractor has for this type of insurance. For an insurance type of Workers’ Compensation this will always be null. |
aggregateLimit int | The aggregate limit coverage the sub-contractor has for this type of insurance. For an insurance type of Workers’ Compensation this will always be null. |
policyExpirationDate string | The date / time that this insurance expires. ISO-8601 date format (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ). |
isNotApplicable boolean | Will be false if the sub-contractor does not have this type of insurance. |
experienceModificationRatings array: object | The sub-contractor’s Experience Modification Ratings by year. |
year int | The year of the sub-contractor’s Experience Modification Rating score. |
experienceModificationRating number | The sub-contractor’s Experience Modification Rating score. |
osha300Results array: object | sub-contractor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration statistics by year. |
year int | The year of the sub-contractor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration score. |
totalNumberDeathsBoxG int | The total number of deaths the sub-contractor indicated for that year. |
totalNumberCasesDaysAwayBoxH int | The total number of cases with days away the sub-contractor indicated for that year. |
totalNumberCasesRestrictionTransferBoxI int | The total number of cases with Restriction/Transfer the sub-contractor indicated for that year. |
otherRecordableCasesBoxJ int | The number of other recordable cases the sub-contractorindicated for that year. |
totalHoursWorked int | The total number of hours the sub-contractor’s employees worked that year. |
certificates array: object | Certificates held by the sub-contractor. |
id string | The unique certificate ID. Companies can have many certificate combinations and each entry has its own ID. This field is null if the certificate is still a pending suggestion.
Max length: 24 |
type object | Information about the type of this certificate. |
id string | The unique ID of the certificate type.
Max length: 24 |
name string | The name of the certificate type. |
agency object | The certifying agency that issued the certificate. |
id string | The unique ID of the certifying agency.
Max length: 24 |
name string | The name of the certifying agency. |
website string | The website URL of the certifying agency. |
number string | Number of the issued certificate. |
expiresAt datetime: ISO 8601 | The date the certificate expires, in ISO 8601 format. |
fileName string | The name of the file copy of the certificate. |
unions array: object | The unions that the sub-contractor workers are a part of. This will be empty if they do not have any union members. |
unionName string | The name of the sub-contractor’s union. |
unionNumber string | The sub-contractor’s union number. |
annualVolumeRevenues array: object | The sub-contractor’s historical volume/revenue by year. |
year int | The hsitorical volume year. |
estimatedVolumeRevenue int | The historical volume figure. |
professionalLicenses array: object | Their professional licenses held by the sub-contractor. |
type string | The type of license the sub-contractor holds. |
number string | The license number the sub-contractor holds. |
issuingState string | The state the sub-contractor is licensed in. |
issuingAgency string | The name of the issuing agency for the sub-contractor’s license. |
additionalDescription string | An additional description for the sub-contractor’s license. |
companyOfficeAddresses object | The sub-contractor’s office addresses. |
pagination object | The pagination details of a nested response. |
limit int | The maximum number of records to return per page.
Note that a returned page may contain fewer records than the limit under either of these conditions:
Default value: |
cursorState string | An opaque cursor token that identifies where the next page of paginated results should start. It is returned in each paginated response so that it can be provided in the next request to continue paginated results. If a paginated response contains no cursorState value, there are no further pages to return.
Omit this parameter to initiate a paginated request or to restart pagination. |
totalResults int | The total number of records returned overall. |
nextUrl string | Link that will return the next page of data. If not included, this is the last page of data. It is allowed that a page may be empty but contain a next paging link. Consumers should stop paging only when the next link no longer appears. |
previousUrl string | Link that will return the previous page of data. If the previous link is supported, then the absence indicates the first page of results. |
results array: object | |
isMainOffice boolean | Indicates if this office is the sub-contractor’s main office. |
address1 string | The first line of the sub-contractor office’s street address. |
address2 string | The second line of the sub-contractor office’s street address. |
city string | The sub-contractor office’s city. |
state string | The sub-contractor office’s state. |
zipCode string | The sub-contractor office’s zip code. |
customQuestions object | The answers to any custom questions a sub-contractor answered in the questionnaire. |
pagination object | The pagination details of a nested response. |
limit int | The maximum number of records to return per page.
Note that a returned page may contain fewer records than the limit under either of these conditions:
Default value: |
cursorState string | An opaque cursor token that identifies where the next page of paginated results should start. It is returned in each paginated response so that it can be provided in the next request to continue paginated results. If a paginated response contains no cursorState value, there are no further pages to return.
Omit this parameter to initiate a paginated request or to restart pagination. |
totalResults int | The total number of records returned overall. |
nextUrl string | Link that will return the next page of data. If not included, this is the last page of data. It is allowed that a page may be empty but contain a next paging link. Consumers should stop paging only when the next link no longer appears. |
previousUrl string | Link that will return the previous page of data. If the previous link is supported, then the absence indicates the first page of results. |
results array: object | |
question string | The text description of the custom question. |
section string | The section of the questionnaire the custom question is located. |
textResponse string | Data will populate here if the sub-contractor’s answer to the custom question was text based |
numberResponse number | Data will populate here if the sub-contractor’s answer to the custom question was number based |
booleanResponse boolean | Data will populate here if the sub-contractor’s answer to the custom question was Yes or No based. |
curl -v 'https://developer.api.autodesk.com/construction/tradetapp/v2/qualifications?filter[updatedAt]=2023-05-01T06:00:00.000Z..&filter[uniqueId]=98h2fbd84k9s322ch&searchText=Company A' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer AuIPTf4KYLTYGVnOHQ0cuolwCW2a'
"pagination": {
"limit": 10,
"cursorState": "cD0xMTA4Ng==",
"totalResults": 120,
"nextUrl": "",
"previousUrl": ""
"results": [
"id": "59d2b8660675250927442cbf",
"uniqueId": "98h2fbd84k9s322chr",
"questionnaireVersion": "Primary Qualification",
"qualification": {
"internalSingleLimit": 50000,
"internalTotalLimit": 125000,
"dateExpires": "2024-10-03T00:00:00.000Z",
"summary": "Exception will be addressed next week.",
"denialReason": "Safety concerns.",
"preExpirationStatus": "QUALIFIED"
"applicationStatus": "SUBMITTED",
"applicationDetail": "RENEWAL",
"companyName": "Gr8 Builders",
"yearFounded": 2012,
"stateFounded": "California",
"taxIdType": "US_FEIN",
"federalTaxId": "123456789",
"submissionCurrency": "USD",
"numberOfHomeOfficeEmployees": 47,
"numberOfFieldSupervisoryEmployees": 48,
"hasProfessionalLicenses": true,
"hasUnionAffiliations": true,
"hasParentCompany": true,
"parentCompanyName": "BuildingConnected",
"currentEstimatedBacklog": 12000000,
"insuranceBrokerCompanyName": "Smith Insurance",
"insuranceBrokerContactName": "Dale Smith",
"insuranceBrokerContactPhone": "9145554549",
"insuranceBrokerContactEmail": "dale@smithinsurance.com",
"suretyBrokerCompanyName": "Gr8 Insurance Broker",
"suretyBrokerContactName": "Steve Holder",
"suretyBrokerContactPhone": "6175556565",
"suretyCompanyName": "Gr8 Insurance Services",
"suretySingleProjectBondingCapacity": 17000000,
"suretyAggregateBondingCapacity": 50000000,
"bankName": "Gr8 National Bank",
"bankLineOfCreditTotal": 3000000,
"bankLineOfCreditOutstanding": 500000,
"bankContactName": "Thomas Lee",
"bankContactPhone": "8445551844",
"bankContactEmail": "tom.lee@gr8bank.com",
"submittedAt": "2017-05-04T14:11:35.100929Z",
"updatedAt": "2019-01-15T18:30:36.316344Z",
"csiCodesForWorkPerformed": [
"primaryCode": "7",
"secondaryCode": "81",
"tertiaryCode": "29",
"codeDescription": "Mineral-Fiber Cementitious Fireproofing"
"regionsServed": [
"region": "California"
"marketsServed": [
"market": "Education"
"completedReferences": [
"projectName": "925 Mission",
"location": "925 Mission St San Francisco CA 94103",
"yearCompleted": 1995,
"value": 8505400,
"scope": "Fireproofing the building",
"referenceContactCompany": "Gr8 Fireproofing",
"referenceContactName": "Julie Applebaum",
"referenceContactPhone": "9145556326",
"referenceContactEmail": "julie@gr8fireproofing.com",
"isLargestProject": true
"companyContacts": [
"positionTitle": "Accounting Manager",
"contactName": "James Smart",
"contactPhone": "6035556263",
"contactEmail": "james@gr8builders.com",
"contactFax": "6035556261",
"contactType": "COMPANY"
"insuranceCoverages": [
"insuranceType": "AUTOMOBILE_LIABILITY",
"carrier": "Hartford Casualty Insurance Company",
"perOccurrenceLimit": 2000000,
"aggregateLimit": 2000000,
"policyExpirationDate": "2017-07-21",
"isNotApplicable": false
"experienceModificationRatings": [
"year": 2017,
"experienceModificationRating": 0.62
"osha300Results": [
"year": 2017,
"totalNumberDeathsBoxG": 0,
"totalNumberCasesDaysAwayBoxH": 0,
"totalNumberCasesRestrictionTransferBoxI": 0,
"otherRecordableCasesBoxJ": 3,
"totalHoursWorked": 893790
"certificates": [
"id": "627074db25c97830ad3ea8c8",
"type": {
"id": "59d2bd7440b36a0da258f24d",
"name": "Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE)"
"agency": {
"id": "611d794f7f063800a7274d46",
"name": "United States Department of Transportation",
"website": "https://www.transportation.gov/civil-rights/disadvantaged-business-enterprise"
"number": "12345",
"expiresAt": "2014-10-03T19:00:00.000Z",
"fileName": "certificate.pdf"
"unions": [
"unionName": "Fireproofing 4",
"unionNumber": "Local 4"
"annualVolumeRevenues": [
"year": 2017,
"estimatedVolumeRevenue": 13564913
"professionalLicenses": [
"type": "Class A Fireproofing License",
"number": "1234567890C",
"issuingState": "California",
"issuingAgency": "State of California",
"additionalDescription": "Maintained since 2012"
"companyOfficeAddresses": {
"pagination": {
"limit": 10,
"cursorState": "cD0xMTA4Ng==",
"totalResults": 120,
"nextUrl": "",
"previousUrl": ""
"results": [
"isMainOffice": true,
"address1": "925 Mission Street",
"address2": "Suite 109",
"city": "San Francisco",
"state": "California",
"zipCode": "94103"
"customQuestions": {
"pagination": {
"limit": 10,
"cursorState": "cD0xMTA4Ng==",
"totalResults": 120,
"nextUrl": "",
"previousUrl": ""
"results": [
"question": "What type of organization is your company (Corporation Partnership LLC Fellowship etc.)?",
"section": "General",
"textResponse": "Corporation",
"numberResponse": 5600.8965,
"booleanResponse": true