Returns a paginated list of forms in a project. Forms are sorted by updatedAt, most recent first.
Resource Information
Method and URI | GET |
Authentication Context | user context required |
Required OAuth Scopes | data:read |
Data Format | JSON |
Authorization* string | Must be Bearer <token> , where <token> is obtained via a three-legged OAuth flow. |
* Required
URI Parameters
projectId string | The ID of the project.
Use the Data Management API to retrieve the project ID. For more information, see the Retrieve a Project ID tutorial. You need to convert the project ID into a project ID for the ACC API by removing the “b." prefix. For example, a project ID of b.a4be0c34a-4ab7 translates to a project ID of a4be0c34a-4ab7. |
Query String Parameters
offset int | The number of records to skip before returning the result records. Defaults to 0. Increase this value in subsequent requests to continue getting results when the number of records exceeds the requested limit. |
limit int | The number of records to return in a single request. Can be a number between 1 and 50. Defaults to 50. |
ids array: string | An array of Form IDs to retrieve. |
formDateMin string | Return Forms with formDate at or after specified date. |
formDateMax string | Return Forms with formDate at or before specified date. |
updatedAfter datetime: ISO 8601 | Return Forms updated after a specified time. |
updatedBefore datetime: ISO 8601 | Return Forms updated before a specified time. |
templateId string | Return Forms on template with given ID. |
statuses array: string | Return Forms with given statuses. |
sortBy string | Return Forms sorted by specified attribute. |
sortOrder string | Return Forms in specified sorted order. |
locationIds array: string | A sequence of location IDs. Each returned object must be associated with one of the locations specified by the IDs. For example, ?locationId=123e102a-36de-14e7-8c56-1b1234ccbba8&locationId=cee45678-fcc4-43ae-80a2-8ca819dfa70d. See the usage example in the Retrieve Forms Associated With Locations tutorial. |
HTTP Status Code Summary
200 OK | Forms in project at specified page. |
400 Bad Request | The request could not be understood by the server due to malformed syntax or missing request header |
401 Unauthorized | The request was not accepted because it lacked valid authentication credentials |
403 Forbidden | The request was not accepted because the client is authenticated, but is not authorized to access the target resource |
404 Not Found | The resource cannot be found |
429 Too Many Requests | The request could not be completed due to a conflict with the current state of the target resource |
500 Internal Server Error | The request could not be completed due to a conflict with the current state of the target resource |
Body Structure (200)
Expand all
data array: object | List of forms in the project. |
status enum:string | The current status of the form. Note that forms are created in draft status. Possible values:
id string | The unique identifier of the form. |
projectId string | The unique identifier of the project the form belongs to. |
formNum int | A chronological user-fiendly identifier of the form within the project e.g. form #5. |
formDate string | Date the form pertains to. |
assigneeId string | The unique identifier of the user, role, or company the form is assigned to. |
assigneeType enum:string | Type of entity the form is assigned to.
Possible values: company , role , user |
locationId string | Location identifier associated with the form. For more information about the location, see GET nodes. |
updatedAt datetime: ISO 8601 | When form was last updated, UTC date and time in ISO-8601 format. |
createdBy string | The unique identifier of the user who created the form. |
notes string | Text for the form’s notes section. |
description string | Text for the form’s description section. |
name string | The name of the form instance.
Max length: 100 |
formTemplate object | Information about the form’s template. |
status enum:string | Possible values: active , inactive , deleted |
id string | The unique identifier of the template. |
projectId string | Unique indentifier of the project the template belongs to. |
name string | Name of the form template. |
templateType string | User defined type of the form template. |
pdfValues array: object | For PDF forms, values extracted from fields in the PDF. |
name string | The name of the PDF field. |
value string | The value of the PDF field. |
pdfUrl string | For PDF forms, the URL to download the form’s PDF. |
weather object | Weather forecast captured on the form. |
summaryKey string | A code describing the the weather (e.g. Clear, PartlyCloudy). |
precipitationAccumulation number | Amount of precipitation accumulated throughout the day. |
precipitationAccumulationUnit string | Indicates the measurement unit of the precipitationAccumulation . |
temperatureMin number | Minimum temperature during the day. |
temperatureMax number | Maximum temperature during the day. |
temperatureUnit string | Indicates the measurement unit of the temperature values e.g. temperatureMin , temperatureMax , temp . |
humidity number | A percentage value indicating the humidity over the course of the day. |
windSpeed number | Average wind speed observed throughout the day. |
windGust number | Maximum wind speed observed throughout the day. |
speedUnit string | Indicates the measurement unit of the windSpeed and windGust . |
windBearing number | Direction of the wind, in degrees. |
hourlyWeather array: object | Weather information for specific hours (07:00:00, 12:00:00, 16:00:00). |
id int | Unique identifier. |
hour string | Hour of the day for this forecast. |
temp number | Temperature during specified hour. |
windSpeed number | Average wind speed. |
windBearing int | Direction of the wind, in degrees. |
humidity number | A percentage value indicating the humidity. |
fetchedAt datetime: ISO 8601 | Date when weather was fetched from weather API. |
createdAt datetime: ISO 8601 | Date when weather was first fetched. |
updatedAt datetime: ISO 8601 | When the weather was last updated. |
provider enum:string | Indicates the source of the weather data.
Possible values: darksky , weatherkit |
tabularValues object | For non-PDF forms, data stored in the tables on the form. |
worklogEntries array: object | Entries associated with work log table in a Form. |
id string | Unique identifier for the work log row. |
deleted boolean | Indicates if the work log row has been deleted. |
trade string | A text field indicating the worker’s trade. |
timespan int | Total duration of work performed (in milliseconds). |
headcount int | Number of workers. |
description string | A text description of the work performed. |
materialsEntries array: object | Entries associated with materials table in a Form. |
id string | Unique identifier for the material log row. |
deleted boolean | Indicates if the material log row has been deleted. |
item string | Text indicating the material used. |
quantity number | The quantity of material that was used. |
unit string | The unit of measure for the quantity specified. |
description string | Additional description of the materials. |
equipmentEntries array: object | Entries associated with equipment table in a Form. |
id string | Unique identifier for the equipment log row. |
deleted boolean | Indicates if the equipment log row has been deleted. |
item string | Text indicating the equipment utilized. |
timespan int | The total time all equipment was utilized (in milliseconds). |
quantity number | The amount of equipment utilized. |
description string | Text describing the equipment utilized. |
customValues array: object | For non-PDF forms, data stored in the form fields. |
fieldId string | The unique identifier of the field. |
sectionLabel string | Name of the section containing this field. |
itemLabel string | The field’s label or question text. |
valueName enum:string | Indicates the type of value used for this item.
Possible values: textVal , toggleVal , arrayVal , numberVal , choiceVal , dateVal , svgVal |
toggleVal enum:string | A boolean like enum value.
Possible values: Yes , No , False , True , Minus , Plus , Fail , Pass , NA |
textVal string | A text value. |
arrayVal string | Multi select values. |
numberVal number | A numeric value. |
choiceVal string | A single select value. |
dateVal string | A date value. |
svgVal string | A signature value (base64 encoded SVG). |
notes string | Text for the field’s notes section.
Max length: 8000 |
lastReopenedBy string | Unique identifier for the user that last re-opened the Form (if applicable). |
lastSubmitterSignature string | Signature of the reviewer who last submitted the Form (if applicable). Signature value (base64 encoded SVG). |
userCreatedAt datetime: ISO 8601 | When form was created on the client, UTC date and time in ISO-8601 format. |
createdAt datetime: ISO 8601 | When form was created on the server, UTC date and time in ISO-8601 format. |
pagination object | Request pagination information. |
offset int | Number of items skipped. |
limit int | Number of items returned. |
totalResults int | Total number of items that can be returned. |
nextUrl string | URL for the next page of items. Next page url is null on the last page. |
curl -v '' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer AuIPTf4KYLTYGVnOHQ0cuolwCW2a'
"data": [
"status": "draft",
"id": "932da979-e537-4530-b8aa-18607ac6db37",
"projectId": "9ba6681e-1952-4d54-aac4-9de6d9858dd4",
"formNum": 1,
"name": "Daily Safety Inspection",
"formDate": "2020-11-20",
"assigneeId": "fc830fd8-f1ef-4cd6-9163-fb115dc698d7",
"assigneeType": "company",
"locationId": "d14ce3a6-e61b-4ab0-a9be-5acf7b5366df",
"updatedAt": "2020-11-20T16:14:27.615127+00:00",
"createdBy": "USER123A",
"notes": "Form notes",
"description": "Form description",
"formTemplate": {
"status": "active",
"id": "2f634a22-779d-4930-9f08-8391a41fea05",
"projectId": "9ba6681e-1952-4d54-aac4-9de6d9858dd4",
"name": "Daily Report",
"templateType": "pg.template_type.daily_report"
"pdfValues": [
"name": "CommentsRow1",
"value": "Observed Masks and Face Covering"
"pdfUrl": "",
"weather": {
"summaryKey": "Clear",
"precipitationAccumulation": 2.3,
"precipitationAccumulationUnit": "in",
"temperatureMin": 47.1,
"temperatureMax": 65.1,
"temperatureUnit": "Fahrenheit",
"humidity": 0.2,
"windSpeed": 12.5,
"windGust": 34.6,
"speedUnit": "km/h",
"windBearing": 18,
"hourlyWeather": [
"id": 1234,
"hour": "07:00:00",
"temp": 54.12,
"windSpeed": 14.2,
"windBearing": 14,
"humidity": 0.24,
"fetchedAt": null,
"createdAt": "2021-01-20T20:38:32+00:00",
"updatedAt": "2021-01-20T20:38:32+00:00"
"provider": "weatherkit"
"tabularValues": {
"worklogEntries": null,
"materialsEntries": null,
"equipmentEntries": null
"customValues": [],
"lastReopenedBy": "USER123A",
"lastSubmitterSignature": "PHN2ZyBoZWlnaHQ9IjIwMCIgd2lkdGg9IjUwMCI+PHBvbHlsaW5lIHBvaW50cz0iMjAsMjAgNDAsMjUgNjAsNDAgODAsMTIwIDEyMCwxNDAgMjAwLDE4MCIgc3R5bGU9ImZpbGw6bm9uZTtzdHJva2U6YmxhY2s7c3Ryb2tlLXdpZHRoOjMiIC8+PC9zdmc+",
"userCreatedAt": "2019-01-20T12:14:27.615127+00:00",
"createdAt": "2019-01-20T12:14:28.000000+00:00"
"pagination": {
"offset": 0,
"limit": 50,
"totalResults": 1,
"nextUrl": null
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