1 Aug 2019
oss-manager migrated to autodesk.io server

When we create new live samples, we often just place them on a server like heroku. That's what I did with https://oss-manager.herokuapp.com/ as well, but it seems it was so popular that all my credits got used up ?and it stopped working (update: it's temporarily back up again today since a new month just started and I have got some credits again)
So, it was time to move it to our autodesk.io server: https://oss-manager.autodesk.io/ - thanks Augusto! ?
If you're one of those using it, then please visit this new URL instead.
FYI: check out this cool client-side utility (VS Code plugin) as well that also provides access to your OSS buckets: https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=petrbroz.vscode-forge-tools