21 Jun 2023
June News Recap

We don’t want you to miss any of this month’s updates. Below you’ll find a full recap of this month's major announcements, new code samples, documentation updates, events, and more.
Register for Autodesk DevCon
This is an event you don't want to miss. The conference that brings together software developers building with Autodesk Platform Services is back. And this time we're on boats. Both in San Francisco and Munich, we will host 200 developers that want to learn about the latest APIs and SDK releases you can use to build applications and solutions with your Design and Make Data.
Some of the classes you can expect are:
- AEC including Forma APIs
- Manufacturing including Fusion
- Data at the center with Autodesk Data Models
- Executive classes on digitizing your business
- Hack the planet and how APS enables sustainability
Space is limited and we expect this event to sell out. So don't miss the boat and get your ticket today.
Register for Munich - coming soon
ACC/BIM 360 Updates
ACC/BIM 360 Insight Data Connector API Supports Activities
We’re pleased to inform you that Data Connector API now supports extracting activities data! Accessing to activities data through API has been a highly demanded feature. With the new enhancement to the Data Connector API, you now have a programmatic way to extract data for activities, for example, from Document Management or Docs, Issues, and Account Admin. Data Connector API is compatible with Autodesk Construction Cloud (ACC) unified products and BIM 360. Learn more.
ACC/BIM 360 Cost Management API – Schedule of Values, Expenses and Payments
We're pleased to announce availability of additional endpoints for Cost Management API. It includes:
- Schedule of Values (SOV)
- CRUD (Create, Read, Update and Delete)
- Expenses and Expense Items – CRUD
- Payments and Payment Items – Read
And we do not end here. The product team is working on releasing more. This is the first set of a larger set. Learn more about our plans here.
BIM 360 Issues (v1) API - New Deprecation Date
Does your application use BIM 360 Issues (v1) API? Autodesk plans to retire eleven (11) BIM 360 Issues (v1) API endpoints. Recently we have released the version 2 of BIM 360 Issues API. Action required: If you are using any of the eleven (11) Issues (v1) API endpoints with BIM 360, please migrate to Issues (v2) API by August 15th, 2023, at which point the Issues (v1) API endpoints will be deprecated and stop functioning. Failure to migrate in a timely manner will result in breaking the workflow in your application. Read this blog for more details.
Data Updates
Updated Data Exchange GraphQL API: Embracing Consistency and Standardization
We are excited to announce the release of our updated Data Exchange GraphQL API, that aligns our data and APIs with Autodesk’s AEC Data Model. As promised in our previous blog post, this update signifies our commitment to consistency and standardization across our industry, plus enables more seamless data representation to streamline your workflows. Read on to explore the key changes and improvements.
Augment Fusion Data With Custom Properties: Call for private beta participation
We are excited to announce the next evolution of the Fusion Data APIs and invite you to participate in our beta program! This feature builds upon the valuable feedback we received from our previous beta and addresses feature requests, concerns, and bugs from the last iteration. Get involved here.
App Store Updates
New App & Usage Insights Dashboard for AppStore Publishers
The Autodesk App Store takes pride in its commitment to helping its software users discover and access a wide range of 3rd party developer capabilities. We believe in fostering a thriving ecosystem where developers can create innovative apps that enhance the Autodesk experience for those users. If you were thinking about publishing apps on the Autodesk App Store, now is the time to start. We have just released a new and improved analytics dashboard. Check out this blog to learn more about this new feature.
Code Samples and tips
Check out our latest code samples to jumpstart your application.
- Download your Revit 2d views as PDFs
- Grouping labels in 3D scene
- Viewer Feature: Selective Loading
- Using 3-legged OAuth v2 with Postman
Continue to learn more with all previous code samples here.
We want you to get the most out of Autodesk Platform Services. We're here to provide you the best learning opportunities and materials. From informal group chats, week-long events to 1 on 1 help, and beyond, we have a resource for everyone.
The APS Accelerator program is a week-long opportunity for developers to work intensively on a chosen project with help and support directly from the Autodesk Platform Services team. Attend an Accelerator to network with industry experts and peers, exchange ideas, and build your proof of concept
- Virtual Boston, USA – June 26-30th. Sign up now.
FYI this is your last chances to join an APS Accelerator before the summer break!
APS Tuesdays
Autodesk Platform Services (APS) Tuesdays is a free weekly webinar for anyone interested in powering digital transformations, digital twins, insightful dashboards, enterprise integrations, automations, and more. Come join our 45-minute introduction to learn the basics of Autodesk Platform Services, what people are building, and ways you can benefit. Learn more and save your spot here.
Coffee Break
Every 2 weeks, join Autodesk Developer Advocates to chat about what's new and in development, over a cup of coffee.
The Doctor is In
Book an appointment with our team of experts and receive live answers to your technical or business questions. We're here to help!
Coffee without Commitment
A developer coffee break just for our Portuguese developer community! Join us for our next chat on June 15th.
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