21 Feb 2019
Forge Viewer App running on Glitch

For a while now I've been following Glitch and I can't be happier at the moment since their experience in using their product has become so much easier to interact with.
What is Glitch? Well, here is a bit information from them about site, but I will encourage you to take a look at it, trust me it will be time well spent and a fun time as well.
Glitch is the friendly community where everyone can discover and create the best stuff on the web.
From useful tools that solve problems at work, to cutting-edge VR experiences, smart bots, and apps that help advance important causes, Glitch is a unique community where people have built over a million projects for you to discover, with new ones are popping up every day.
If you’re new to Glitch, just explore some of the featured projects or categories to check out fun games to play or try out handy little apps. It’s like a familiar App Store, but almost everything is free and created by regular people like you.
But if you don’t find exactly what you want, that’s where the magic happens. Learn more about it here.
Ok now, why I like it? It's fun, simple and pretty straight forward to use. You can run an entire express application on it, use any NPM on your application, learn how others have solved every day web developer problems and so on. They have amazing and simple tutorials, to teach you what is going on and how to build from zero to hero. Fast support over their channels.
To test it, I used one of my personal projects. I started to isolate Viewer extensions following our Learn Forge Tutorial structure for simplicity and more importantly to help you my fellow Autodesk Forge developers (thank you for your business), so Remix it, play with it and if you develop any other cool extensions please share it! we want to grow this amazing Forge community one extension at a time.
If you want to try Autodesk Forge running on Glitch check out this Project and follow the instructions on the Readme since you will need to setup your own Forge account (don't worry you have a 1 year free trial) Here is the other app Learn Forge Tutorial
I will continue playing with Glitch over my free time, it is fun and I want to thank the Glitch team for making an amazing product.