16 Feb 2021
Forge Partner Talks is evolving!

Forge Partner Talks is taking on a new form. The webinar series you know and love will now be more easily consumable and accessible. You can find the next evolution of Forge Partner Talks in two forms: as part of the Forge Coffee Break with the Forge Advocates team, and as a Meet the Forge SI series with the Forge Marketing team.
Forge Coffee Break
Every two weeks, the Autodesk Developer Advocates invite Forge developers and users to a "coffee break" where they get together to chat about what's new in the world of Forge and software development, what's on their radar, what's coming, and anything else on our users' minds—all over a cup of coffee. You can catch demos from our Forge partners during these coffee breaks, and get all your technical questions answered by the partner who built the solution.
Meet a Forge SI
Autodesk Forge Certified Systems Integrators were trained by Autodesk experts to provide customers with reliable support resources. These trusted partners have proven track records of helping businesses build software integrations within existing systems, and deploy custom, Forge-powered, cloud-based solutions.
In the Meet a Forge Systems Integrator series, we ask Forge SIs to answer a few companies about the projects they deliver to customers. Get to know them on a deeper level, and reach out to get their help!
Looking for Forge Partner Talks recordings? You can catch them all here.