Autodesk Forge is now Autodesk Platform Services

28 Oct 2019

Forge Design Automation for Revit in Las Vegas 

Design Automation for Revit

In case you missed the news, it’s finally here! The Forge Design Automation V3 API officially launched on October 28th, and we want to tell you all about it. This new Forge API offers unprecedented access to Revit data for cloud-based workflows.  

Design Automation is a Forge batch-processing service that enables development teams and partners to access hero product “engines” to read and write design files. There is no UI, so automation is achieved through the products’ native APIs or scripting capabilities. For Revit, it provides access to the same powerful Revit API without the need for Revit install. Examples of tasks that can be automated with this API are extraction of data from a Revit file to display in a dashboard, on-the-fly creation of Revit content or templates based on a configurator, or batch update or upgrade of Revit files. 

If you’re attending us for AU or DevCon in Las Vegas in November, we invite you to join us at these Design Automation-related classes: 

  • FDC324038 - Gives a high-level overview and customer workflow examples 

  • SD323658 - An in-depth dive into common gotchas encountered and practical tips 

  • FDC322552-L  - Get your hands dirty with the Forge team in this Design Automation lab 

  • AS316991 – A creative take using Google Voice to Construct Revit models in BIM 360 

Additionally, here are a few partner/customer classes for inspiration: 

  • FDC322226 - Explore how to connect Design Automation and BIM 360 Document Management for approval workflows  

  • BES322239 – A collaborative lighting example taking data from visualization to manufacturing 

  • MFG317857 – Shows how Design Automation for Revit and Inventor can be used to support off-site manufacturing workflows  

  • FDC323705 - Discover how to create graphically interactive, rules-based sales automation solutions 


If you’re not able to join us at AU, don’t worry. Many AU classes are recorded and posted online at the AU library

Want to get started now? Check out the documentationstep-by-step tutorials, or apply for a Forge accelerator. If you’re an ADN member, the Forge team can also help get your application up and running.  

Happy automating! 

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