Autodesk Forge is now Autodesk Platform Services

3 Mar 2020

Forge Accelerator 2020 Lineup - Status Update

We’ve got the first half of the year scheduled out for Forge Accelerators. Dates and locations along with links to apply are below.  A few have been postponed due to travel restrictions surrounding COVID-19.  We are still collecting applications and will announce new dates soon.


Curious what a Forge Accelerator is? Forge Accelerators are a week-long workshops that provide you with dedicated time to work on your cloud applications with the training and support of Forge API and community experts.  These are hosted by Autodesk free of charge for Forge developers – the only costs you’re responsible for are travel and lodging.


We purposefully schedule these in locations across the globe so hopefully you can find and attend an Accelerator near you, though we always welcome those that travel.


April 6-10

Metropolis - Virtual Accelerator

Apply here 



April 20-24 (new dates)

Cloudville, Virtual Accelerator

Apply Here

Cloudville Virtual Accelerator


April 13 – 16 June 15 - 18

Sao Paulo, Brazil

Apply here (deadline to submit application is March 13)

Sao Paolo Brazil



April 20 – 23 Postponed

Bangalore, India

Apply here (still collecting applications, new dates to be released soon)


Bangalore India


April 27 – May 1 Postponed

Boston, MA, USA

Apply here (still accepting applications, new dates to be released soon)

Boston Massachusetts


May 18 – 22 Postponed

Moscow, Russia

Apply here (still accepting applications, new dates to be released soon)

Moscow Russia


June 1 – 5

Denver, CO, USA

Apply here (deadline to apply is May 1)

Denver Colorado


June 8 – 12

Barcelona, Spain

Apply here (deadline to apply is May 8)

Barcelona Spain



June 16 Postponed

Tokyo, Japan

Register through local vendor. Details to follow.

Tokyo Japan



June 16 – 19 postponed

Taipei, Taiwan

Apply here 

Taipei Taiwan Accelerator


July 15 – 17 (tentative)

Singapore, Singapore

Apply here (application deadline June 15)

Singapore Singapore


September 21 – 25

Stockholm, Sweden

Apply here (application deadline August 21)

Stockholm accelerator

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