15 Nov 2022
Call for migrating if you are using BIM360 Issue API to work with ACC project

by Jeremy Wallin, Autodesk Construction Cloud Integration Partner Team
The Autodesk Construction Cloud Integration Partner Team wants to let you know about a recent update: The Autodesk Construction Cloud (ACC) Issues API was released in September 2022. See this blog post for more details.
Important - If you have been using the BIM 360 Issues API to manage Issues associated with ACC projects (e.g., Autodesk Build or Autodesk Docs), you now must switch to this new, dedicated ACC Issues API.We hope this causes minimal impact, as the BIM 360 Issues API was never officially supported for ACC use.
Issues associated with ACC projects will imminently be inaccessible using the BIM 360 Issues API. You would start getting 403 errors (Forbidden/Unauthorized). Instead, you will need to use the BIM 360 Issues API only for managing Issues in BIM 360 projects and the ACC Issues API only for managing Issues in ACC projects.
To verify whether a Project is from the BIM 360 or ACC platform, please refer to this tutorial. For more information about the differences between the BIM 360 and ACC public APIs, please also see this guide.
If you have any questions, or are receiving error messages from your integration, please do not hesitate to reach out - acs.partnerships