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    Access Exchange Container

    This tutorial will allow you to use Data Management API to identify the item corresponding to the exchange container, and use the information from the item to get the exchange container using Data Exchange API:


    When an exchange is created within Autodesk Construction Cloud, it appears of the items type, benefiting from versioning and bearing the same information as any other item. The only difference between an item of type items:autodesk.bim360:File corresponding to (for example) a Revit file, and items:autodesk.bim360:FDX specific to an exchange, is that the former (as its type states) is a file that can be downloaded, while an exchange is rather a pointer to the exchange container which holds the exchange data.

    Workflow explanation

    When an exchange is created from a source file (e.g., Revit file), an item of type items:autodesk.bim360:FDX is created in the same project where the source file is located. The newly created item is a pointer to the exchange container, and the id of this very item allows you, using Data Exchange API, to retrieve the exchange container.

    Thus, to get the exchange container, you need the corresponding item located in the same hub and project as the source file. This can be achieved using Data Management API, having the workflow that can be resumed to the following steps:

    1. Get the Hub ID where the source file is located;
    2. Identify the Project ID where the source file resides;
    3. Identify the parent Folder ID of the exchange item;
    4. Show the content of the folder and identify the needed item;
    5. Get the Collection ID where the exchange container resides using Get collections API;
    6. Use Data Exchange API to get the exchange container having the needed Item ID.

    1. Get the Hub ID where the source file is located

    To get the Hub ID, use the GET call, and apply a token with the data:read scope.

    For example:

    curl '' \
    --header 'Authorization: Bearer '$TOKEN

    where TOKEN is the env variable holding your access token.

    The above call gives you a response similar to the following:

      "data": [
          "type": "hubs",
          "id": "b.5c07c84c-bbd9-476e-8712-547f74c5b76b",
          "attributes": {
            "name": "Some Account",
    Show More

    In this response payload, you are interested in the id of the needed hub.

    Note that certain apps can be provisioned in multiple accounts. Such, after retrieving the hubs, it’s important to make sure the needed Hub ID is identified from the list of accessible hubs.

    2. Identify the Project ID where the source file resides

    Having the Hub ID, you can now retrieve the list of projects available on that hub by calling this command:

    curl ''$HUB_ID'/projects' \
    --header 'Authorization: Bearer '$TOKEN

    where HUB_ID is the ID in the form of b.5c07c84c-bbd9-476e-8712-547f74c5b76b.

    The above call gives you a response similar to the following:

        "data": [
                "type": "projects",
                "id": "b.c8d3cf2c-4b31-48ba-9454-06645929876c",
                "attributes": {
                    "name": "some_project",
                    "extension": {
                        "type": "projects:autodesk.bim360:Project",
                        "data": {
                            "projectType": "ACC"
    Show More

    In this response payload, you are interested in the id of the needed project.

    3. Identify the parent Folder ID of the source file

    Having the Project ID, you have to get the top folders, out of which you are interested in Project Files, by calling this command:

    curl  ''$HUB_ID'/projects/'$PROJECT_ID'/topFolders' \
    --header 'Authorization: Bearer '$TOKEN

    This creates an output similar to the following:

        "data": [
                "type": "folders",
                "id": "urn:adsk.wipprod:fs.folder:co.rzxjppPYRsmNydaxgykFBg",
                "attributes": {
                    "name": "Project Files",
                    "displayName": "Project Files",
    Show More

    In this response payload, you are interested in the id of the Project Files top folder.

    4. Show the content of the folder and identify the needed item

    Having the top folder ID readily available, the way to get to the needed folder depends on how the folders are organized and how deep the needed folder is placed inside the folder structure. Nevertheless, it resumes to retrieving iteratively, starting with a top folder and followed by its contents, until reaching the desired folder with the needed contents.

    All of these iterative calls have the format like the following:

    curl ''$PROJECT_ID'/folders/'$FOLDER_ID'/contents' \
    --header 'Authorization: Bearer '$TOKEN

    ultimately providing the content of the folder where the item referencing the needed exchange resides:

        "data": [
                "type": "items",
                "id": "urn: adsk.wipprod:dm.lineage:8nBh35NARrWeJ2AiTwcI1A",
                "attributes": {
                    "displayName": "House.rvt",
                    "extension": {
                        "type": "items:autodesk.bim360:File",
                "type": "items",
                "id": "urn: adsk.wipprod:dm.lineage:EoMIYJ3USSC5lI3lWRG46Q",
                "attributes": {
                    "displayName": "House Walls - FDX",
                    "extension": {
                        "type": "items:autodesk.bim360:FDX",
    Show More

    The item pointing to the needed exchange can be identified based on the name given to the exchange, but first, make sure that its attributes.extension.type is set to items:autodesk.bim360:FDX.

    5. Get the Collection ID where the exchange container resides using Get collections API

    Having retrieved the Project ID, you can call the GET collections API to get the collection ID from the response

    curl ''$PROJECT_ID \
       --header 'Authorization: Bearer '$TOKEN \
       --header 'region: Bearer '$REGION

    where REGION is the env variable holding your region.

    The above call gives you a response with Collection ID in it:

     "id": "bGuMcMQAsqdeIF4Peq1EaE_L2C",

    6. Use Data Exchange API to get the exchange container having the needed Item ID

    Having the needed item, its ID allows you to get the exchange container using the Data Exchange API by calling this command:

    curl ''$ITEM_ID \
    --header 'Authorization: Bearer '$TOKEN

    where ITEM_ID is the item ID of items:autodesk.bim360:FDX type.

    The above call returns an output (trimmed for brevity) similar to the following:

        "results": [
                "id": "cad99e7f-4294-35de-96e5-c9b7a8bc332c",
                "collection": {
                    "id": "co.cjm3cQPdRBGKft6IWqTDdQ"
                "type": "",
                "attributes": {
                    "id": "cad99e7f-4294-35de-96e5-c9b7a8bc332c",
                    "url": "/exchanges/cad99e7f-4294-35de-96e5-c9b7a8bc332c/attributes",
                    "data": [
                            "name": "baseSourceVersionUrn",
                            "value": "urn:adsk.wipstg:fs.file:vf.8nBh35NARrWeJ2AiTwcI1A?version=1",
                            "type": "",
                            "category": "system"
                            "name": "exchangeFileName",
                            "value": "House Walls - FDX",
                            "type": "",
                            "category": "system"
                            "name": "exchangeFileUrn",
                            "value": "urn:adsk.wipstg:dm.lineage:EoMIYJ3USSC5lI3lWRG46Q",
                            "type": "",
                            "category": "system"
                "components": {
                    "id": "cad99e7f-4294-35de-96e5-c9b7a8bc332c",
                    "url": "/exchanges/cad99e7f-4294-35de-96e5-c9b7a8bc332c/components",
                    "data": {
                        "insert": {
                            "autodesk.fdx:contract.revitViewGeometry-1.0.0": {
                                "contract": {
                                    "String": {
                                        "viewName": "House Walls",
                                        "viewableId": "b57244e2-7d70-4703-9cce-7a12a2088f7c-0010d509",
                                        "viewGuid": "c05a4777-0bde-778b-6796-6dc299a25589"
                            "autodesk.fdx:host.acc-1.0.0": {
                                "host": {
                                    "String": {
                                        "versionUrn": "urn:adsk.wipstg:fs.file:vf.EoMIYJ3USSC5lI3lWRG46Q?version=1",
                                        "fileName": "House Walls - FDX",
                                        "folderUrn": "urn:adsk.wipstg:fs.folder:co.dJszZEJGQCylUeMqYcnOPA",
                                        "projectUrn": "b.c8d3cf2c-4b31-48ba-9454-06645929876c",
                                        "fileUrn": "urn:adsk.wipstg:dm.lineage:EoMIYJ3USSC5lI3lWRG46Q"
                            "autodesk.fdx:source.acc-1.0.0": {
                                "source": {
                                    "String": {
                                        "sourceId": "c7006ecd-d76c-3ad1-9afc-963d8232708b",
                                        "versionUrn": "urn:adsk.wipstg:fs.file:vf.8nBh35NARrWeJ2AiTwcI1A?version=1",
                                        "folderUrn": "urn:adsk.wipstg:fs.folder:co.dJszZEJGQCylUeMqYcnOPA",
                                        "projectUrn": "b.c8d3cf2c-4b31-48ba-9454-06645929876c",
                                        "fileUrn": "urn:adsk.wipstg:dm.lineage:8nBh35NARrWeJ2AiTwcI1A"
                "revisionId": "1640198347910_c9c0fa50-195f-39d9-a1e5-53dda9648033"
    Show More

    From this payload, to further use Data Exchange API, you would require these two elements:

    • Exchange ID - the ID of this exchange container. It can be found under results[0].id (since we have just one element in the results), and in the above example, it’s cad99e7f-4294-35de-96e5-c9b7a8bc332c;
    • Collection ID - the ID of the collection where the exchange data is stored. It can be found under results[0], and in the above example, its value is co.cjm3cQPdRBGKft6IWqTDdQ.

    These two elements are essential because all subsequent calls made through Data Exchange API will contain the path v1/collections/{collectionId}/exchanges/{exchangeId}/ plus the specific endpoints to retrieve assets, relationships, snapshots, etc.

    However, the rest of the received payload also contains a lot of useful information, such as the following:

    • The type of the exchange container is set to, which indicates that it’s a Space type item and should contain at least attributes and components.
    • attributes are system-specific properties, but can and should be used to filter the item.

      In the above call, the filters=attribute.exchangeFileUrn=='$ITEM_ID query string was used to identify the exchange container by exchangeFileUrn attribute.

    • components are more complex schema-based properties. In the above payloads, you can notice that it contains three properties like the following:

      1. autodesk.fdx:source.acc-1.0.0, holding the information about the URN, version, and location of the source file used to create the exchange.
      2. autodesk.fdx:contract.revitViewGeometry-1.0.0, holding the data regarding the exchange contract - in this case, it’s the name and ID of the view within the source file used to create the exchange.
      3. autodesk.fdx:host.acc-1.0.0, holding the data regarding the name, ID, and location of the item pointing to the current exchange container.

      NOTE: For now, only filtering by exchangeFileUrn and sourceFileUrn attributes is allowed, but later, it might be extended to all attributes and components.

      Using the sourceFileUrn as a filter allows creating workflows around cases like “Give me all exchanges created using this Revit file”. For example, having the URN of a Revit file, we can make this call:

      curl ' filters=sourceFileUrn=='$REVIT_FILE_URN \
      --header 'Authorization: Bearer '$TOKEN

      and expect an output like the following:

      "results": [
              "id": "d0e29dc8-0526-3e99-a251-ddaef35d47da",
              "attributes": {...},
              "components": {
                  "data": {
                      "insert": {
                          "autodesk.fdx:contract.revitViewGeometry-1.0.0": {
                              "contract": {
                                  "String": {
                                      "viewName": "SHARE - Stairs - Central",
                          "autodesk.fdx:host.acc-1.0.0": {
                              "host": {
                                  "String": {
                                      "fileName": "StairsReview"
                          "autodesk.fdx:source.acc-1.0.0": {...}
              "id": "1b4cc82e-4854-3797-8ad9-121bde35ec8f",
              "attributes": {...},
              "components": {
                  "data": {
                      "insert": {
                          "autodesk.fdx:contract.revitViewGeometry-1.0.0": {
                              "contract": {
                                  "String": {
                                      "viewName": "SHARE - Stairs - South 132",
                          "autodesk.fdx:host.acc-1.0.0": {
                              "host": {
                                  "String": {
                                      "fileName": "SHARE - Stairs - South 132",
                          "autodesk.fdx:source.acc-1.0.0": {...}
              "id": "32836593-b66f-3d83-8f0d-4c0332d6294b",
              "attributes": {...},
              "components": {
                  "data": {
                      "insert": {
                          "autodesk.fdx:contract.revitViewGeometry-1.0.0": {
                              "contract": {
                                  "String": {
                                      "viewName": "SHARE - Canopy - Entry",
                          "autodesk.fdx:host.acc-1.0.0": {
                              "host": {
                                  "String": {
                                      "fileName": "SHARE - Canopy - Entry",
                          "autodesk.fdx:source.acc-1.0.0": {...}
      Show More

      from which we can notice that there are three data exchanges created using the Revit file as the source file, and in the above payload, we can also see from which view each data exchange was created.


    For creating an exchange or accessing the exchange data, user requires the following permissions:

    • User should have at least View+Download permission on the Source Revit file to create an exchange from the source Revit file;
    • User should have at least View+Download permission on the Exchange file to download the exchange data;
    • User should have at least Create->(View+Download+Publish-markups+Upload) permission on a folder to create exchange into that folder.

    Samples illustrating use of calls discussed in this tutorial can be found here

    In the next tutorial, you will see how to use the exchange container data to get the list of assets, relationships, snapshots, and revisions.

    Refer to this page for more details: Data Exchange.


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    We use HubSpot to send you more timely and relevant email content. To do this, we collect data about your online behavior and your interaction with the emails we send. Data collected may include pages you’ve visited, trials you’ve initiated, videos you’ve played, purchases you’ve made, your IP address or device ID, email open rates, links clicked, and others. HubSpot Privacy Policy
    We use Twitter to deploy digital advertising on sites supported by Twitter. Ads are based on both Twitter data and behavioral data that we collect while you’re on our sites. The data we collect may include pages you’ve visited, trials you’ve initiated, videos you’ve played, purchases you’ve made, and your IP address or device ID. This information may be combined with data that Twitter has collected from you. We use the data that we provide to Twitter to better customize your digital advertising experience and present you with more relevant ads. Twitter Privacy Policy
    We use Facebook to deploy digital advertising on sites supported by Facebook. Ads are based on both Facebook data and behavioral data that we collect while you’re on our sites. The data we collect may include pages you’ve visited, trials you’ve initiated, videos you’ve played, purchases you’ve made, and your IP address or device ID. This information may be combined with data that Facebook has collected from you. We use the data that we provide to Facebook to better customize your digital advertising experience and present you with more relevant ads. Facebook Privacy Policy
    We use LinkedIn to deploy digital advertising on sites supported by LinkedIn. Ads are based on both LinkedIn data and behavioral data that we collect while you’re on our sites. The data we collect may include pages you’ve visited, trials you’ve initiated, videos you’ve played, purchases you’ve made, and your IP address or device ID. This information may be combined with data that LinkedIn has collected from you. We use the data that we provide to LinkedIn to better customize your digital advertising experience and present you with more relevant ads. LinkedIn Privacy Policy
    Yahoo! Japan
    We use Yahoo! Japan to deploy digital advertising on sites supported by Yahoo! Japan. Ads are based on both Yahoo! Japan data and behavioral data that we collect while you’re on our sites. The data we collect may include pages you’ve visited, trials you’ve initiated, videos you’ve played, purchases you’ve made, and your IP address or device ID. This information may be combined with data that Yahoo! Japan has collected from you. We use the data that we provide to Yahoo! Japan to better customize your digital advertising experience and present you with more relevant ads. Yahoo! Japan Privacy Policy
    We use Naver to deploy digital advertising on sites supported by Naver. Ads are based on both Naver data and behavioral data that we collect while you’re on our sites. The data we collect may include pages you’ve visited, trials you’ve initiated, videos you’ve played, purchases you’ve made, and your IP address or device ID. This information may be combined with data that Naver has collected from you. We use the data that we provide to Naver to better customize your digital advertising experience and present you with more relevant ads. Naver Privacy Policy
    We use Quantcast to deploy digital advertising on sites supported by Quantcast. Ads are based on both Quantcast data and behavioral data that we collect while you’re on our sites. The data we collect may include pages you’ve visited, trials you’ve initiated, videos you’ve played, purchases you’ve made, and your IP address or device ID. This information may be combined with data that Quantcast has collected from you. We use the data that we provide to Quantcast to better customize your digital advertising experience and present you with more relevant ads. Quantcast Privacy Policy
    Call Tracking
    We use Call Tracking to provide customized phone numbers for our campaigns. This gives you faster access to our agents and helps us more accurately evaluate our performance. We may collect data about your behavior on our sites based on the phone number provided. Call Tracking Privacy Policy
    We use Wunderkind to deploy digital advertising on sites supported by Wunderkind. Ads are based on both Wunderkind data and behavioral data that we collect while you’re on our sites. The data we collect may include pages you’ve visited, trials you’ve initiated, videos you’ve played, purchases you’ve made, and your IP address or device ID. This information may be combined with data that Wunderkind has collected from you. We use the data that we provide to Wunderkind to better customize your digital advertising experience and present you with more relevant ads. Wunderkind Privacy Policy
    ADC Media
    We use ADC Media to deploy digital advertising on sites supported by ADC Media. Ads are based on both ADC Media data and behavioral data that we collect while you’re on our sites. The data we collect may include pages you’ve visited, trials you’ve initiated, videos you’ve played, purchases you’ve made, and your IP address or device ID. This information may be combined with data that ADC Media has collected from you. We use the data that we provide to ADC Media to better customize your digital advertising experience and present you with more relevant ads. ADC Media Privacy Policy
    We use AgrantSEM to deploy digital advertising on sites supported by AgrantSEM. Ads are based on both AgrantSEM data and behavioral data that we collect while you’re on our sites. The data we collect may include pages you’ve visited, trials you’ve initiated, videos you’ve played, purchases you’ve made, and your IP address or device ID. This information may be combined with data that AgrantSEM has collected from you. We use the data that we provide to AgrantSEM to better customize your digital advertising experience and present you with more relevant ads. AgrantSEM Privacy Policy
    We use Bidtellect to deploy digital advertising on sites supported by Bidtellect. Ads are based on both Bidtellect data and behavioral data that we collect while you’re on our sites. The data we collect may include pages you’ve visited, trials you’ve initiated, videos you’ve played, purchases you’ve made, and your IP address or device ID. This information may be combined with data that Bidtellect has collected from you. We use the data that we provide to Bidtellect to better customize your digital advertising experience and present you with more relevant ads. Bidtellect Privacy Policy
    We use Bing to deploy digital advertising on sites supported by Bing. Ads are based on both Bing data and behavioral data that we collect while you’re on our sites. The data we collect may include pages you’ve visited, trials you’ve initiated, videos you’ve played, purchases you’ve made, and your IP address or device ID. This information may be combined with data that Bing has collected from you. We use the data that we provide to Bing to better customize your digital advertising experience and present you with more relevant ads. Bing Privacy Policy
    We use G2Crowd to deploy digital advertising on sites supported by G2Crowd. Ads are based on both G2Crowd data and behavioral data that we collect while you’re on our sites. The data we collect may include pages you’ve visited, trials you’ve initiated, videos you’ve played, purchases you’ve made, and your IP address or device ID. This information may be combined with data that G2Crowd has collected from you. We use the data that we provide to G2Crowd to better customize your digital advertising experience and present you with more relevant ads. G2Crowd Privacy Policy
    NMPI Display
    We use NMPI Display to deploy digital advertising on sites supported by NMPI Display. Ads are based on both NMPI Display data and behavioral data that we collect while you’re on our sites. The data we collect may include pages you’ve visited, trials you’ve initiated, videos you’ve played, purchases you’ve made, and your IP address or device ID. This information may be combined with data that NMPI Display has collected from you. We use the data that we provide to NMPI Display to better customize your digital advertising experience and present you with more relevant ads. NMPI Display Privacy Policy
    We use VK to deploy digital advertising on sites supported by VK. Ads are based on both VK data and behavioral data that we collect while you’re on our sites. The data we collect may include pages you’ve visited, trials you’ve initiated, videos you’ve played, purchases you’ve made, and your IP address or device ID. This information may be combined with data that VK has collected from you. We use the data that we provide to VK to better customize your digital advertising experience and present you with more relevant ads. VK Privacy Policy
    Adobe Target
    We use Adobe Target to test new features on our sites and customize your experience of these features. To do this, we collect behavioral data while you’re on our sites. This data may include pages you’ve visited, trials you’ve initiated, videos you’ve played, purchases you’ve made, your IP address or device ID, your Autodesk ID, and others. You may experience a different version of our sites based on feature testing, or view personalized content based on your visitor attributes. Adobe Target Privacy Policy
    Google Analytics (Advertising)
    We use Google Analytics (Advertising) to deploy digital advertising on sites supported by Google Analytics (Advertising). Ads are based on both Google Analytics (Advertising) data and behavioral data that we collect while you’re on our sites. The data we collect may include pages you’ve visited, trials you’ve initiated, videos you’ve played, purchases you’ve made, and your IP address or device ID. This information may be combined with data that Google Analytics (Advertising) has collected from you. We use the data that we provide to Google Analytics (Advertising) to better customize your digital advertising experience and present you with more relevant ads. Google Analytics (Advertising) Privacy Policy
    We use Trendkite to deploy digital advertising on sites supported by Trendkite. Ads are based on both Trendkite data and behavioral data that we collect while you’re on our sites. The data we collect may include pages you’ve visited, trials you’ve initiated, videos you’ve played, purchases you’ve made, and your IP address or device ID. This information may be combined with data that Trendkite has collected from you. We use the data that we provide to Trendkite to better customize your digital advertising experience and present you with more relevant ads. Trendkite Privacy Policy
    We use Hotjar to deploy digital advertising on sites supported by Hotjar. Ads are based on both Hotjar data and behavioral data that we collect while you’re on our sites. The data we collect may include pages you’ve visited, trials you’ve initiated, videos you’ve played, purchases you’ve made, and your IP address or device ID. This information may be combined with data that Hotjar has collected from you. We use the data that we provide to Hotjar to better customize your digital advertising experience and present you with more relevant ads. Hotjar Privacy Policy
    6 Sense
    We use 6 Sense to deploy digital advertising on sites supported by 6 Sense. Ads are based on both 6 Sense data and behavioral data that we collect while you’re on our sites. The data we collect may include pages you’ve visited, trials you’ve initiated, videos you’ve played, purchases you’ve made, and your IP address or device ID. This information may be combined with data that 6 Sense has collected from you. We use the data that we provide to 6 Sense to better customize your digital advertising experience and present you with more relevant ads. 6 Sense Privacy Policy
    We use Terminus to deploy digital advertising on sites supported by Terminus. Ads are based on both Terminus data and behavioral data that we collect while you’re on our sites. The data we collect may include pages you’ve visited, trials you’ve initiated, videos you’ve played, purchases you’ve made, and your IP address or device ID. This information may be combined with data that Terminus has collected from you. We use the data that we provide to Terminus to better customize your digital advertising experience and present you with more relevant ads. Terminus Privacy Policy
    We use StackAdapt to deploy digital advertising on sites supported by StackAdapt. Ads are based on both StackAdapt data and behavioral data that we collect while you’re on our sites. The data we collect may include pages you’ve visited, trials you’ve initiated, videos you’ve played, purchases you’ve made, and your IP address or device ID. This information may be combined with data that StackAdapt has collected from you. We use the data that we provide to StackAdapt to better customize your digital advertising experience and present you with more relevant ads. StackAdapt Privacy Policy
    The Trade Desk
    We use The Trade Desk to deploy digital advertising on sites supported by The Trade Desk. Ads are based on both The Trade Desk data and behavioral data that we collect while you’re on our sites. The data we collect may include pages you’ve visited, trials you’ve initiated, videos you’ve played, purchases you’ve made, and your IP address or device ID. This information may be combined with data that The Trade Desk has collected from you. We use the data that we provide to The Trade Desk to better customize your digital advertising experience and present you with more relevant ads. The Trade Desk Privacy Policy
    We use RollWorks to deploy digital advertising on sites supported by RollWorks. Ads are based on both RollWorks data and behavioral data that we collect while you’re on our sites. The data we collect may include pages you’ve visited, trials you’ve initiated, videos you’ve played, purchases you’ve made, and your IP address or device ID. This information may be combined with data that RollWorks has collected from you. We use the data that we provide to RollWorks to better customize your digital advertising experience and present you with more relevant ads. RollWorks Privacy Policy

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