This API is intended to improve download performance. The response provides URLs for your relationships, so you can download them in parallel using the GET Download relationships endpoint. In addition, the system limits the number of download URLs for efficiency. Adhering to this limit allows clients to effectively scatter and gather data under a single exchange by managing the number of concurrent calls and not breaching the rate limits.
Valid filters:
- Exchange snapshot fromRevision & toRevision: The fromRevision is exclusive & toRevision is Inclusive. Keyword latest & latest-1 is also supported instead of revisionId. Supports ==.
example: exchange.snapshot.fromRevision==YRc2mxEFc1KvVPVmkFQhnX;exchange.snapshot.toRevision==YRc2mxEFc1KvVPVmkFQhnX
example: exchange.snapshot.fromRevision==latest-1;exchange.snapshot.toRevision==latest
Resource Information
Method and URI | GET https://developer.api.autodesk.com/exchange/v1/collections/{collectionId}/exchanges/{exchangeId}/relationships:sync-urls |
Authentication Context | app only |
Required OAuth Scopes | data:read |
Data Format | JSON |
Authorization* string | Must be Bearer <token> , where <token> is obtained via OAuth |
URI Parameters
collectionId string | The unique ID of the collection |
exchangeId string | The unique ID of the exchange |
Query String Parameters
filters string | Filter, RSQL syntax. You can specify multiple filters, separated by semi-colon ; . |
cursor string | The pagination cursor returned by the server to the client. It expires in 10 minutes. |
limit int | Allowed limit of URLs in response. Default is 20 and max is 20. |
HTTP Status Code Summary
200 OK | The parallel URLs for delta relationship data synced was retrieved successfully. |
400 Bad Request | The request is invalid. |
401 Unauthorized | Invalid authorization header. |
403 Forbidden | Access denied regardless of authorization status. |
404 Not Found | The specified resource was not found. |
500 Internal Server Error | Unexpected service interruption. |
Body Structure (200)
pagination object | The information on the pagination of the response |
limit int | Upper limit to the paginated results |
cursor string | Current cursor (or index) marking where you are in the paginated set |
nextUrl string | Next URL |
results array: object | The paginated results |
url string | The URL for downloading an asset |
root string | The unique ID identifying the root entity within the paginated results |
The parallel URLs for delta relationship data synced was retrieved successfully.
curl -v 'https://developer.api.autodesk.com/exchange/v1/collections/:collectionId/exchanges/:exchangeId/relationships:sync-urls?filters=exchange.snapshot.fromRevision==YRc2mxEFc1KvVPVmkFQhnX;exchange.snapshot.toRevision==YRc2mxEFc1KvVPVmkFQhnX' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer AuIPTf4KYLTYGVnOHQ0cuolwCW2a'
"pagination": {
"limit": 95,
"cursor": "46daa630-5f1c-4e46-b004-b512ff3649ac",
"nextUrl": "/v1/collections/co.l1Lf2-orRbW-3oDLHMvSxg/exchanges/3f351bac-f192-3e8a-9eae-e7f71e55d65f/assets:sync?cursor=46daa630-5f1c-4e46-b004-b512ff3649ac"
"results": [
"url": "https://developer.api.autodesk.com/exchange/v1/collections/co.SpdGU41bT1eP-Tu7hLD4jQ/exchanges/ZngudjE.1696d548-b0b2-3244-805e-9d7305730d56/assets:sync-urls?cursor=1_6e756c6c"
"root": "1616148972940_19934de8-2b10-30c2-a35f-a072fc1cba73"