ACC class
This class provides functionalities for accessing Hubs, Projects, Folders, and many more within the Autodesk Construction Cloud using API. The ACC facilitates the connection to ACC APIs.
public class ACC : IHostingProvider
Public Members
name | description |
ACC() | This is the default constructor for the Autodesk Construction Cloud API. It initializes the necessary components for the API to function properly. |
ACC(…) | This is the parametrized constructor for the Autodesk Construction Cloud API. Please assign an instance of the ILogger interface, acc API URL and accesstoken func delegate to the assembly. This will enable logging functionality and allow the assembly to record relevant information during its operation. |
CheckDeletedFoldersAsync(…) | Checking folder deletion status asynchronously. |
DeleteExchangeAsync(…) | Delete data exchange from ACC asynchronously. |
GetAllExchangesInfoAsync(…) | It will return collection of exchange info. (2 methods) |
GetChildrenFoldersAsync(…) | Retrieve collection of sub-folders asynchronously. |
GetExchangeMetaDataAsync(…) | Retrieve instance of ExchangeMetaData. |
GetHubAsync(…) | Retrieves a specific HubInfo object asynchronously. |
GetHubIdAsync(…) | Get hub id asynchronously using project Urn. |
GetHubsAsync() | Retrieves a list of HubInfo objects asynchronously. |
GetHubsProjectsAsync() | Retrieves a collection of ProjectInfo asynchronously. |
GetId(…) | It will return contract Id. |
GetObject(…) | It will return host object and list argument. |
GetProjectFoldersAsync(…) | Retrieves a collection of FolderInfo asynchronously for specific Project. |
GetProjectFoldersPermissionsAsync(…) | It examines the folder permissions and updates the IsReadOnly parameter with a true/false value. |
GetProjectInformationAsync(…) | Get project information. |
GetProjectsAsync(…) | Retrieves a collection of ProjectInfo asynchronously for specific Hub. Hub InfoCollection of Projects in a Hub. |
GetRegionAsync(…) | Retrieves a region of hub asynchronously. |
GetRegionUsingRegionAPIAsync(…) | Get region asynchronously using project Urn. |
Initialize(…) | This method initializes the ACC instance with a Token and ACC URL. It should be executed prior to any other function or API call. It allows the user to reinitialize the ACC instance without needing to create a new instance. |