BaseParameter class
Base schema for defining a property in a parametric design model with meta-data for user-facing presentation. autodesk.parameter:parameter-2.0.0
public class BaseParameter : BaseComponent
Public Members
name | description |
BaseParameter() | The default constructor. |
Description { get; set; } | Parameter Description |
Group { get; set; } | Parameter Group |
Name { get; set; } | Parameter Name |
ReadOnly { get; set; } | If true, the parameter's value should not be editable in user interface, e.g. if its value is calculated by the application. |
SampleText { get; set; } | Text to be displayed when the parameter has no value |
SchemaId { get; set; } | Schema Id of the parameter |
Spec { get; set; } | Unit specification |
See Also
- class BaseComponent
- namespace Autodesk.DataExchange.SchemaObjects.Base