Application class
The ConnectorUI entry point class sets up the ConnectorUI based on the exchange model. Exchange models can be read-only, write-only, or both. The ConnectorUI also provides additional APIs for interacting with the UI, such as notifications, loading status, and more.
public class Application
Public Members
name | description |
Application(…) | Initializes a new instance of the Application class. It will Initializes the connector UI according to BaseExchangeModel. |
WindowHandle { get; } | Handle to the underlying Window object. Connector UI main window. |
event AdvanceLoadExchangeEvent | Advance Load Exchange Event. The trigger will activate when the user clicks the advanced load button in the Connector WEB UI. The user has the ability to load the exchange from the server and is presented with two options: load and advanced load. Advanced load allows the user to select the data exchange preferences. This event will only be triggered when the user clicks on the advanced load button. |
event ExchangeSelectionChangedEvent | Exchange Selection Changed Event. The Exchange Selection Changed Event is triggered when the user selects exchanges on the UI. As a result, it returns a collection of the selected exchanges as an argument. |
ClearAllNotification() | It will hide the notification. It will hide the notification and release the lock from notification so SDK can use it. |
ClearBusyMessage() | It will clear message and spinner on UI and restore the previous state of UI. |
Close() | It will close the Connector UI. This action can be executed under certain conditions, such as in the event of an application crash. |
GetExchangeName() | It will return exchange name from create exchange UI. |
Hide() | It will hides the Connector UI. When triggered, it will initiate the process of hiding the Connector UI. This action will effectively remove the visibility of the Connector user interface from the screen. |
Refresh() | It will refresh the UI. This method is responsible for refreshing the UI. It can be called by the user when there is a need to update the properties on the UI and reflect any changes or updates. By invoking this method, the UI will be refreshed, ensuring that the updated properties are correctly displayed. |
SetDocumentName(…) | It will update the document name on UI. When user switches the between one document to another then this method needs to be executed. |
SetExchangeName(…) | It will update exchange name on create exchange UI. |
Show() | It will displays the Connector UI and starts all basic functionalities. When activated, it will display the Connector UI, making it visible on the screen. This will enable the start of all basic functionalities associated with the Connector, allowing users to interact with its features and capabilities. |
ShowBusyMessage(…) | It will show the message passed as an argument on UI with spinner. The show busy message refers to the condition where all controls are hidden, and an animation is played along with a user-defined message. |
ShowNotification(…) | It will display notification to the user by taking message and notification type. notification can be error, warning, information, etc. It will enforce a lock on the accessibility of the notification from the SDK. The SDK will be restricted from accessing the notification until the lock is released. |
See Also
- namespace Autodesk.DataExchange.UI