Error code constants
These constants will be used in onErrorCallback
Name | Description |
UNKNOWN_FAILURE | An unknown failure has occurred. |
BAD_DATA | Bad data (corrupted or malformed) was encountered. |
NETWORK_FAILURE | A network failure was encountered. |
NETWORK_ACCESS_DENIED | Access was denied to a network resource (HTTP 403) |
NETWORK_FILE_NOT_FOUND | A network resource could not be found (HTTP 404) |
NETWORK_SERVER_ERROR | A server error was returned when accessing a network resource (HTTP 5xx) |
NETWORK_UNHANDLED_RESPONSE_CODE | An unhandled response code was returned when accessing a network resource (HTTP ‘everything else’) |
BROWSER_WEBGL_NOT_SUPPORTED | Browser error: webGL is not supported by the current browser |
BAD_DATA_NO_VIEWABLE_CONTENT | There is nothing viewable in the fetched document |
BROWSER_WEBGL_DISABLED | Browser error: webGL is supported, but not enabled |
BAD_DATA_MODEL_IS_EMPTY | There is no geometry in loaded model |
RTC_ERROR | Collaboration server error |
UNSUPORTED_FILE_EXTENSION | The extension of the loaded file is not supported |
VIEWER_INTERNAL_ERROR | Viewer error: wrong or forbidden usage of the viewer |