4 Jul 2018

Lock to rotation around Z on Viewer

In some cases, we would like to lock rotation of the Viewer, as previously described by Kean Wamsley. Inspired by his work for touch devices, can we implement a similar approach to allow only rotation around Z axis?

The ToolController is the starting point, it includes a template for defining a new navigation tool. The code for this post includes the entire template for your reference, with comments. 

For this sample we don't want to reimplement all rotation features, it's a lot of work... so let's use the built-in Orbit tool controller and fix the Y value. Much simpler. On mouse button down let's store the canvasY value, on mouse move modify the event.canvasY value and pass to the built-in orbit, and the same on mouse button up. Note we use return true to stop the event from other tools. The isDragging variable helps skip mouse movements that are not dragging the model. 

Sure this handles only mouse dragging, so desktop only, and a similar approach can be applied to handleGesture event, as described by Kean.

function LockYNavigation() {
    var isDragging = false;
    var canvasY;
    var orbitBuiltInTool;

    this.names = ["LockY"];
        * This method should return an array containing the names of all tools implemented by this class.
        * Often this would be a single name but it is possible to support multiple interactions with a single tool.
        * When this tool is registered with the ToolController each name gets registered as an available tool.
        * @returns {array} Array of strings. Should not be empty.
    this.getNames = function () {
        return this.names;

         * This is an optional convenience method to obtain the first name of this tool.
         * @returns {string} The tools default name.
    this.getName = function () {
        return this.names[0];

        * This method should return the priority of the tool inside the tool stack.
        * A tool with higher priority will get events first.
        * @returns {number} The tool's priority.
    this.getPriority = function () {
        return 10;

        * This method is called by {@link Autodesk.Viewing.ToolController#registerTool}.
        * Use this for initialization.
    this.register = function () {

        * This method is called by {@link Autodesk.Viewing.ToolController#deregisterTool}.
        * Use this to clean up your tool.
    this.deregister = function () {

        * The activate method is called by the ToolController when it adds this tool to the list of those
        * to receive event handling calls. Once activated, a tool's "handle*" methods may be called
        * if no other higher priority tool handles the given event. Each active tool's "update" method also gets
        * called once during each redraw loop.
        * @param {string} name - The name under which the tool has been activated.
        * @param {Autodesk.Viewing.Viewer3D} viewerApi - Viewer instance.
    this.activate = function (name, viewerApi) {
        // get the built-in orbit tool, we will reuse it
        orbitBuiltInTool = viewerApi.toolController.getTool("orbit")
        // remove some toolbar button

        * The deactivate method is called by the ToolController when it removes this tool from the list of those
        * to receive event handling calls. Once deactivated, a tool's "handle*" methods and "update" method
        * will no longer be called.
        * @param {string} name - The name under which the tool has been deactivated.
    this.deactivate = function (name) {

        * The update method is called by the ToolController once per frame and provides each tool
        * with the oportunity to make modifications to the scene or the view.
        * @param {number} highResTimestamp - The process timestamp passed to requestAnimationFrame by the web browser.
        * @returns {boolean} A state value indicating whether the tool has modified the view or the scene
        * and a full refresh is required.
    this.update = function (highResTimestamp) {
        return false;

        * This method is called when a single mouse button click occurs.
        * @param {MouseEvent} event - The event object that triggered this call.
        * @param {number} button - The button number that was clicked (0, 1, 2 for Left, Middle, Right respectively).
        * Note that the button parameter value may be different that the button value indicated in the event
        * object due to button re-mapping preferences that may be applied. This value should be respected
        * over the value in the event object.
        * @returns {boolean} True if this tool wishes to consume the event and false to continue to pass
        * the event to lower priority active tools.
    this.handleSingleClick = function (event, button) {
        return false;

        * This method is called when a double mouse button click occurs.
        * @param {MouseEvent} event - The event object that triggered this call.
        * @param {number} button - The button number that was clicked (0, 1, 2 for Left, Middle, Right respectively).
        * Note that the button parameter value may be different that the button value indicated in the event
        * object due to button re-mapping preferences that may be applied. This value should be respected
        * over the value in the event object.
        * @returns {boolean} True if this tool wishes to consume the event and false to continue to pass the event
        * to lower priority active tools.
    this.handleDoubleClick = function (event, button) {
        return false;

        * This method is called when a single tap on a touch device occurs.
        * @param {Event} event - The triggering event. For tap events the canvasX, canvasY properties contain
        * the canvas relative device coordinates of the tap and the normalizedX, normalizedY properties contain
        * the tap coordinates in the normalized [-1, 1] range. The event.pointers array will contain
        * either one or two touch events depending on whether the tap used one or two fingers.
        * @returns {boolean} True if this tool wishes to consume the event and false to continue to pass the event
        * to lower priority active tools.
    this.handleSingleTap = function (event) {
        return false;

        * This method is called when a double tap on a touch device occurs.
        * @param {Event} event - The triggering event. For tap events the canvasX, canvasY properties contain
        * the canvas relative device coordinates of the tap and the normalizedX, normalizedY properties contain
        * the tap coordinates in the normalized [-1, 1] range. The event.pointers array will contain
        * either one or two touch events depending on whether the tap used one or two fingers.
        * @returns {boolean} True if this tool wishes to consume the event and false to continue to pass the event
        * to lower priority active tools.
    this.handleDoubleTap = function (event) {
        return false;

        * This method is called when a keyboard button is depressed.
        * @param {KeyboardEvent} event - The event object that triggered this call.
        * @param {number} keyCode - The numerical key code identifying the key that was depressed.
        * Note that the keyCode parameter value may be different that the value indicated in the event object
        * due to key re-mapping preferences that may be applied. This value should be respected
        * over the value in the event object.
        * @returns {boolean} True if this tool wishes to consume the event and false to continue to pass the event
        * to lower priority active tools.
    this.handleKeyDown = function (event, keyCode) {
        return false;

        * This method is called when a keyboard button is released.
        * @param {KeyboardEvent} event - The event object that triggered this call.
        * @param {number} keyCode - The numerical key code identifying the key that was released.
        * Note that the keyCode parameter value may be different that the value indicated in the event object
        * due to key re-mapping preferences that may be applied. This value should be respected
        * over the value in the event object.
        * @returns {boolean} True if this tool wishes to consume the event and false to continue to pass the event
        * to lower priority active tools.
    this.handleKeyUp = function (event, keyCode) {
        return false;

        * This method is called when a mouse wheel event occurs.
        * @param {number} delta - A numerical value indicating the amount of wheel motion applied.
        * Note that this value may be modified from the orignal event values so as to provide consistent results
        * across browser families.
        * @returns {boolean} True if this tool wishes to consume the event and false to continue to pass the event
        * to lower priority active tools.
    this.handleWheelInput = function (delta) {
        return true;

        * This method is called when a mouse button is depressed.
        * @param {MouseEvent} event - The event object that triggered this call.
        * @param {Number} button - The button number that was depressed (0, 1, 2 for Left, Middle, Right respectively).
        * Note that the button parameter value may be different that the button value indicated in the event object
        * due to button re-mapping preferences that may be applied. This value should be respected
        * over the value in the event object.
        * @returns {boolean} True if this tool wishes to consume the event and false to continue to pass the event
        * to lower priority active tools.
    this.handleButtonDown = function (event, button) {
        if (button == 2) return true; // disable PAN
        isDragging = true;
        canvasY = event.canvasY; // store the canvasY when we start dragging
        return false;

        * This method is called when a mouse button is released.
        * @param {MouseEvent} event - The event object that triggered this call.
        * @param {number} button - The button number that was released (0, 1, 2 for Left, Middle, Right respectively).
        * Note that the button parameter value may be different that the button value indicated in the event object
        * due to button re-mapping preferences that may be applied. This value should be respected
        * over the value in the event object.
        * @returns {boolean} True if this tool wishes to consume the event and false to continue to pass the event
        * to lower priority active tools.
    this.handleButtonUp = function (event, button) {
        isDragging = false;
        event.canvasY = canvasY;
        // pass the information to built-in orbit
        orbitBuiltInTool.handleButtonUp(event, button);
        return true;

        * This method is called when a mouse motion event occurs.
        * @param {MouseEvent} event - The event object that triggered this call.
        * @returns {boolean} True if this tool wishes to consume the event and false to continue to pass the event
        * to lower priority active tools.
    this.handleMouseMove = function (event) {
        if (isDragging) {
            event.canvasY = canvasY; // fix this value
            return true;
        return false;

        * This method is called when a touch gesture event occurs.
        * @param {Event} event - The event object that triggered this call. The event.type attribute will indicate
        * the gesture event type. This will be one of: dragstart, dragmove, dragend, panstart, panmove, panend,
        * pinchstart, pinchmove, pinchend, rotatestart, rotatemove, rotateend, drag3start, drag3move, drag3end.
        * The event.canvas[XY] attributes will contain the coresponding touch position.
        * The event.scale and event.rotation attributes contain pinch scaling and two finger rotation quantities
        * respectively. The deltaX and deltaY attributes will contain drag offsets.
        * @returns {boolean} True if this tool wishes to consume the event and false to continue to pass the event
        * to lower priority active tools.
    this.handleGesture = function (event) {
        return false;

        * This method is called when the canvas area loses focus.
        * @param {FocusEvent} event - The event object that triggered this call.
        * @returns {boolean} True if this tool wishes to consume the event and false to continue to pass the event
        * to lower priority active tools.
    this.handleBlur = function (event) {
        return false;

        * This method is called on every active tool whenever the screen area changes.
        * The new canvas area can be obtained from the Navigation interface via the getScreenViewport method.
        * @see Autodesk.Viewing.Navigation
    this.handleResize = function () {

After we need to register and activate this custom tool. Assuming you have a Viewer with Basic Application, at the load success event: 

function onItemLoadSuccess(viewer, item) {
  var lockY = new LockYNavigation();


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