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12 Oct 2020

Configurator 360 to Design Automation

As it was announced on the Configurator 360 website, current customers are encouraged to migrate to Design Automation API for Inventor.

In order to help with that process, the Design Automation team produced a comprehensive sample whose code anyone can take, modify, and deploy on any server: AWS, Azure, Heroku, etc

The app has 5 tabs:


Here you'll find two sample models that you can configure.

List of sample models

It also allows you to log in using your Autodesk account (Forge account not needed) and then upload your own models. Once you logged in this tab will only show your own models.

List of private models


Here, on the left panel, you'll find the parameters of the selected model that you can change to configure the model. If the model has an iLogic Form in it, then the list of parameters and their layout will reflect that. On the right side you'll see the model shown in the Forge Viewer.

Model tab

If the value of a parameter got changed as a result of the update (e.g. the iLogic Rule keeps its value under a certain max value), then those will be underlined in orange.

Overridden parameter value


Here you'll get the BOM (Bill Of Materials) information extracted from the model.

Bill Of Materials


On this panel you'll find he drawings that were also part of the model files and you can select which one you want to see. Before showing the drawing it will get updated so that it's in-sync with the 3d model that you modified on the Model tab.

List of drawings

It also enables you to download the drawing as PDF


On this tab you'll be able to download the model, the drawing, the BOM information, or export the model to Revit Family file format (*.rfa).

Download in different formats

Live version

Source code

Configurator 360 vs Inventor Config Demo

1) While Configurator 360 was using Inventor ETO to drive the models, Design Automation is using Inventor Server. Because of that you might have to modify your iLogic Rules in your models to make sure they will work fine - see Prepare iLogic Rules for Design Automation

2) Configurator 360 used to have a live session, i.e. a server would load the Inventor model and keep running in order to process any further parameter changes the user might have. Design Automation was designed for batch processing: you gather all the information you need (model, property changes, etc) pass it to Design Automation and there once you processed the model as part of the work item the session ends - see Optimize Design Automation process

However, it would be possible to keep your work item running - see Open Network in Preview 

3) Configurator 360 had its own way of extracting 3d geometry from the updated model in a fast way and showing it in its own Three.js viewer. The above sample is exporting geometry to SVF (the Forge Viewer specific format) and using Forge Viewer to display it for the user.

Because of points 2) and 3) the above sample is not so responsive as Configurator 360 was when changing parameters.

4) A solution based on Design Automation is fully customizable: you can provide your own website, you can integrate the model processing into existing workflows, etc

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