24 Feb 2025
Unlocking the Potential of 3D Modeling with Model Derivative SDKs (Now with TypeScript Support)

The Model Derivative TypeScript SDKs are now LIVE and ready for action! These powerful tools enable developers to work efficiently with 3D models, just like before. With the addition of TypeScript support, the SDKs now offer even more flexibility, enabling you to extract valuable information and manipulate data with ease in previously challenging ways. These SDKs are essential for democratizing access to 3D modeling and design data, making it available to a wider audience of developers and businesses.
Imagine this: You, equipped with the enhanced power of Model Derivative SDKs in TypeScript, effortlessly extract key information from 3D models and manipulate data like a seasoned pro. It’s like having a backstage pass to a 3D modeling concert, with you as the rockstar developer orchestrating the show!
Join us on this exciting journey of innovation, whether you’re an experienced developer or just starting out in the world of 3D modeling. With Model Derivative SDKs and TypeScript support, you can experiment, create, and redefine what’s possible.
Download the package here: https://github.com/autodesk-platform-services/aps-sdk-node/tree/main/modelderivative/source and
Here's the link to the Reference Docs: TypeScript SDK Reference