A class that maps level names to one or more Room
objects that are found
on the corresponding levels. See
Room for details
new LevelRoomsMap()
// Gets the level-to-rooms mapping from the structural model
const info = new Autodesk.DataVisualization.Core.ModelStructureInfo(model);
const levelRoomsMap = await info.getLevelRoomsMap();
addRoomToLevel(levelName, room)
Adds a Room object to a named level.
levelName* string | Name of the level to add the Room to. |
room* | The ``Room``object to be added to the level. |
* Required
getRoomsOnLevel(levelName, onlyRoomsWithDevices)
Gets all the rooms on a given level.
levelName* string | Name of the level for which roomsare to be retrieved. |
onlyRoomsWithDevices* boolean | Set this to true to return only roomswith devices in them, or false to return all rooms on the level. |
* Required
type | description |
Array.<Room> | List of all the rooms found on the level, or an empty listif no room is found. |
// Get all Room objects on "Level 1", with or without devices
const roomsOnLevelOne = levelRoomsMap.getRoomsOnLevel("Level 1", false);
// Get only Room objects on "Level 1" that contain devices
const roomsWithDevices = levelRoomsMap.getRoomsOnLevel("Level 1", true);