Adds a new form to a project.
To verify if a user can create a form, call GET form-templates and check that the user has submit
See the Manage Forms tutorial for details about managing forms.
Newly created forms will start in the draft
Note: The JSON body parameters are all optional, but a JSON body is still required. To use all default values, pass an empty JSON object {}
Resource Information
Method and URI | POST https://developer.api.autodesk.com/construction/forms/v1/projects/:projectId/form-templates/:templateId/forms |
Authentication Context | user context required |
Required OAuth Scopes | data:write |
Data Format | JSON |
Authorization* string | Must be Bearer <token> , where <token> is obtained via a three-legged OAuth flow. |
Content-Type* string | Must be application/json |
URI Parameters
projectId string | The ID of the project.
Use the Data Management API to retrieve the project ID. For more information, see the Retrieve a Project ID tutorial. You need to convert the project ID into a project ID for the ACC API by removing the “b." prefix. For example, a project ID of b.a4be0c34a-4ab7 translates to a project ID of a4be0c34a-4ab7. |
templateId string | The unique identifier of the form template.
Use GET form-templates to retrieve the template ID. |
Body Structure
assigneeId string | Identifier of the company, role, or user assigned to the form. Note: the assignee must be a contributor of the template. |
assigneeType enum:string | Type of entity to assign the form to.
Possible values: company , role , user |
description string | Text for the form description field.
Max length: 8000 |
name string | The name of the form instance. If the specified value is null or empty, it defaults to the form’s template name.
Max length: 100 |
formDate string | Date the form pertains to, must be after 1950-01-01. |
id string: UUID | The unique identifier of the form. If you do not specify an ID, one will be assigned. |
locationId string: UUID | Location associated with the Form. For more information about the location, see GET nodes. |
notes string | Text for the form’s notes section.
Max length: 8000 |
userCreatedAt datetime: ISO 8601 | Date and time indicating when form was created on the client or external system (optional). |
HTTP Status Code Summary
200 OK | The created Form |
400 Bad Request | The request could not be understood by the server due to malformed syntax or missing request header |
401 Unauthorized | The request was not accepted because it lacked valid authentication credentials |
403 Forbidden | The request was not accepted because the client is authenticated, but is not authorized to access the target resource |
404 Not Found | The resource cannot be found |
409 Conflict | The request could not be completed due to a conflict with the current state of the target resource |
429 Too Many Requests | The request could not be completed due to a conflict with the current state of the target resource |
500 Internal Server Error | The request could not be completed due to a conflict with the current state of the target resource |
Body Structure (200)
status enum:string | The current status of the form. Note that forms are created in draft status. Possible values:
id string | The unique identifier of the form. |
projectId string | The unique identifier of the project the form belongs to. |
formNum int | A chronological user-fiendly identifier of the form within the project e.g. form #5. |
formDate string | Date the form pertains to. |
assigneeId string | The unique identifier of the user, role, or company the form is assigned to. |
assigneeType enum:string | Type of entity the form is assigned to.
Possible values: company , role , user |
locationId string | Location identifier associated with the form. For more information about the location, see GET nodes. |
updatedAt datetime: ISO 8601 | When form was last updated, UTC date and time in ISO-8601 format. |
createdBy string | The unique identifier of the user who created the form. |
notes string | Text for the form’s notes section. |
description string | Text for the form’s description section. |
name string | The name of the form instance.
Max length: 100 |
formTemplate object | Information about the form’s template. |
status enum:string | Possible values: active , inactive , deleted |
id string | The unique identifier of the template. |
projectId string | Unique indentifier of the project the template belongs to. |
name string | Name of the form template. |
templateType string | User defined type of the form template. |
pdfValues array: object | For PDF forms, values extracted from fields in the PDF. |
name string | The name of the PDF field. |
value string | The value of the PDF field. |
pdfUrl string | For PDF forms, the URL to download the form’s PDF. |
weather object | Weather forecast captured on the form. |
summaryKey string | A code describing the the weather (e.g. Clear, PartlyCloudy). |
precipitationAccumulation number | Amount of precipitation accumulated throughout the day. |
precipitationAccumulationUnit string | Indicates the measurement unit of the precipitationAccumulation . |
temperatureMin number | Minimum temperature during the day. |
temperatureMax number | Maximum temperature during the day. |
temperatureUnit string | Indicates the measurement unit of the temperature values e.g. temperatureMin , temperatureMax , temp . |
humidity number | A percentage value indicating the humidity over the course of the day. |
windSpeed number | Average wind speed observed throughout the day. |
windGust number | Maximum wind speed observed throughout the day. |
speedUnit string | Indicates the measurement unit of the windSpeed and windGust . |
windBearing number | Direction of the wind, in degrees. |
hourlyWeather array: object | Weather information for specific hours (07:00:00, 12:00:00, 16:00:00). |
id int | Unique identifier. |
hour string | Hour of the day for this forecast. |
temp number | Temperature during specified hour. |
windSpeed number | Average wind speed. |
windBearing int | Direction of the wind, in degrees. |
humidity number | A percentage value indicating the humidity. |
fetchedAt datetime: ISO 8601 | Date when weather was fetched from weather API. |
createdAt datetime: ISO 8601 | Date when weather was first fetched. |
updatedAt datetime: ISO 8601 | When the weather was last updated. |
provider enum:string | Indicates the source of the weather data.
Possible values: darksky , weatherkit |
tabularValues object | For non-PDF forms, data stored in the tables on the form. |
worklogEntries array: object | Entries associated with work log table in a Form. |
id string | Unique identifier for the work log row. |
deleted boolean | Indicates if the work log row has been deleted. |
trade string | A text field indicating the worker’s trade. |
timespan int | Total duration of work performed (in milliseconds). |
headcount int | Number of workers. |
description string | A text description of the work performed. |
materialsEntries array: object | Entries associated with materials table in a Form. |
id string | Unique identifier for the material log row. |
deleted boolean | Indicates if the material log row has been deleted. |
item string | Text indicating the material used. |
quantity number | The quantity of material that was used. |
unit string | The unit of measure for the quantity specified. |
description string | Additional description of the materials. |
equipmentEntries array: object | Entries associated with equipment table in a Form. |
id string | Unique identifier for the equipment log row. |
deleted boolean | Indicates if the equipment log row has been deleted. |
item string | Text indicating the equipment utilized. |
timespan int | The total time all equipment was utilized (in milliseconds). |
quantity number | The amount of equipment utilized. |
description string | Text describing the equipment utilized. |
customValues array: object | For non-PDF forms, data stored in the form fields. |
fieldId string | The unique identifier of the field. |
sectionLabel string | Name of the section containing this field. |
itemLabel string | The field’s label or question text. |
valueName enum:string | Indicates the type of value used for this item.
Possible values: textVal , toggleVal , arrayVal , numberVal , choiceVal , dateVal , svgVal |
toggleVal enum:string | A boolean like enum value.
Possible values: Yes , No , False , True , Minus , Plus , Fail , Pass , NA |
textVal string | A text value. |
arrayVal string | Multi select values. |
numberVal number | A numeric value. |
choiceVal string | A single select value. |
dateVal string | A date value. |
svgVal string | A signature value (base64 encoded SVG). |
notes string | Text for the field’s notes section.
Max length: 8000 |
lastReopenedBy string | Unique identifier for the user that last re-opened the Form (if applicable). |
lastSubmitterSignature string | Signature of the reviewer who last submitted the Form (if applicable). Signature value (base64 encoded SVG). |
userCreatedAt datetime: ISO 8601 | When form was created on the client, UTC date and time in ISO-8601 format. |
createdAt datetime: ISO 8601 | When form was created on the server, UTC date and time in ISO-8601 format. |
curl -v 'https://developer.api.autodesk.com/construction/forms/v1/projects/:projectId/form-templates/:templateId/forms' \
-X 'POST' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer AuIPTf4KYLTYGVnOHQ0cuolwCW2a' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"assigneeId": "USER123A",
"assigneeType": "user",
"name": "Daily Safety Inspection",
"description": "For Sam Subcontractor",
"formDate": "2020-11-20",
"id": "cf86ac0e-c7a9-466a-95c6-e468a3f7b6e1",
"locationId": "795d20e0-0f1e-4d0f-9b5a-183cfd6a1d6e",
"notes": "Installed 25 units",
"userCreatedAt": "2019-01-20T12:14:28.000000+00:00"
"status": "draft",
"id": "932da979-e537-4530-b8aa-18607ac6db37",
"projectId": "9ba6681e-1952-4d54-aac4-9de6d9858dd4",
"formNum": 1,
"formDate": "2020-11-20",
"assigneeId": "fc830fd8-f1ef-4cd6-9163-fb115dc698d7",
"assigneeType": "company",
"locationId": "d14ce3a6-e61b-4ab0-a9be-5acf7b5366df",
"updatedAt": "2020-11-20T16:14:27.615127+00:00",
"createdBy": "USER123A",
"notes": "Form notes",
"name": "Daily Safety Inspection",
"description": "Form description",
"formTemplate": {
"status": "active",
"id": "2f634a22-779d-4930-9f08-8391a41fea05",
"projectId": "9ba6681e-1952-4d54-aac4-9de6d9858dd4",
"name": "Daily Report",
"templateType": "pg.template_type.daily_report"
"pdfValues": [
"name": "CommentsRow1",
"value": "Observed Masks and Face Covering"
"pdfUrl": "https://link.to/form.pdf",
"weather": {
"summaryKey": "Clear",
"precipitationAccumulation": 2.3,
"precipitationAccumulationUnit": "in",
"temperatureMin": 47.1,
"temperatureMax": 65.1,
"temperatureUnit": "Fahrenheit",
"humidity": 0.2,
"windSpeed": 12.5,
"windGust": 34.6,
"speedUnit": "km/h",
"windBearing": 18,
"hourlyWeather": [
"id": 1234,
"hour": "07:00:00",
"temp": 54.12,
"windSpeed": 14.2,
"windBearing": 14,
"humidity": 0.24,
"fetchedAt": null,
"createdAt": "2021-01-20T20:38:32+00:00",
"updatedAt": "2021-01-20T20:38:32+00:00"
"provider": "weatherkit"
"tabularValues": {
"worklogEntries": null,
"materialsEntries": null,
"equipmentEntries": null
"customValues": [],
"lastReopenedBy": "USER123A",
"lastSubmitterSignature": "PHN2ZyBoZWlnaHQ9IjIwMCIgd2lkdGg9IjUwMCI+PHBvbHlsaW5lIHBvaW50cz0iMjAsMjAgNDAsMjUgNjAsNDAgODAsMTIwIDEyMCwxNDAgMjAwLDE4MCIgc3R5bGU9ImZpbGw6bm9uZTtzdHJva2U6YmxhY2s7c3Ryb2tlLXdpZHRoOjMiIC8+PC9zdmc+",
"userCreatedAt": "2019-01-20T12:14:27.615127+00:00",
"createdAt": "2019-01-20T12:14:28.000000+00:00"