Autodesk Forge is now Autodesk Platform Services

27 Feb 2018

Welcome to the Wonderful World of Webhooks

The Forge Webhooks API has now graduated from Beta, and is available as a standard API for you to include in your Forge applications. (i.e. API Keys no longer need to be whitelisted to use this API).

The Webhooks API allows you to register callbacks against Data Management events so that your application can be automatically notified (for example) when a file is uploaded, modified, or removed. (We expect to enhance this API in future to include event notifications for other Forge APIs).

For more information, please review the documentation. And here is a link to a blog post describing a comprehensive (node.js) Webhooks sample.

When you create a new API Key (a new App) on the Developer Portal, the Webhooks API is now offered as an option in the list of APIs you can enable your API Keys to access. To update an existing API Key to add Webhooks access, you can edit your app as follows:

1. Log in to using your Autodesk Id.

2. Click on your username in the top right corner of the webpage and select 'My Apps' from the dropdown.

3. Click on the App entry you want to edit. You should see something like this, where the APIs your 'App' are listed:

Edit your App

4. Click the Edit button. You'll now see the additional available APIs:

Select the Webhooks API

5. Click on the Webhooks box and then click the Save button.

6. Your API Key now has permissions to use the Webhooks API.




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