10 Aug 2018
Introducing BIM 360 Issues API

This sample of this blog is based on BIM360 Issue API Version 1. Version 1 has been deprecated now. Please use version 2. The other blogs tell more: BIM 360 Issues Version 2 API Released | Autodesk Platform Services
We have migrated this .NET sample mentioned in this blog to Autodesk Platform Services (APS) repository. Please check it at: https://github.com/autodesk-platform-services/aps-bim360-issues
----- Deprecated --------
BIM 360 API now includes endpoints for creating, tracking and updating project-related issues. The documentation includes a few new tutorials:
- Retrieve a container ID
- Retrieve issues
- Create Issues
- Attach BIM 360 Document Management Files to Issue
- Directly Attach Local Files to Issues
Note: Creation of a push-in is only available through Viewer Pushpin extension. Creating a push-in directly at the server side (e.g., using POST endpoint) is not currently supported.” (Wish ID BIMAPI-27). The tutorial introduces the steps working with Pushpin extension.
Ready to try it? Here is a sample (using .NET Core) or try it live here.
As usual, to use BIM 360 APIs from your app you'll need to provision it. Learn more.