23 Apr 2019
ID's in the Data Management API

When debugging things it can be useful to know what the various id's in the Data Management API look like - see above picture.
No matter where you store your files, the binary content will be stored in an OSS bucket - in the case of a file version the link to the binary is provided in the storage section of the GET /version endpoint's reply.
You can use the https://derivatives.autodesk.io/ sample as well to see the id of the various items: just select anything in the file browser tree and then run this in the browser's console:
$('#apsFiles').jstree('get_node', $('#apsFiles').jstree('get_selected')).original
This will provide other info as well about the item:
Also, different endpoints of the APS API's might require id's in different formats: readable, URL encoded or URL safe base64 encoded. E.g.
- readable: urn:adsk.wipprod:fs.file:vf.BdGQ1od8SWuA4RDlgkwqHg?version=2
- URL encoded: urn%3Aadsk.wipprod%3Afs.file%3Avf.BdGQ1od8SWuA4RDlgkwqHg%3Fversion%3D2
- URL safe base64 encoded (no = padding and / replaced by _): dXJuOmFkc2sud2lwcHJvZDpmcy5maWxlOnZmLkJkR1Exb2Q4U1d1QTRSRGxna3dxSGc_dmVyc2lvbj0y
The documentation of each endpoint of the Forge API's specifies if you need to provide the id in base64 encoded format, e.g. https://aps.autodesk.com/en/docs/model-derivative/v2/reference/http/job-POST/ says:
urn* (string) |
The design URN; returned when uploading the file to APS |
If the endpoint needs the id as part of the URL then it needs to be URL encoded like in case of https://aps.autodesk.com/en/docs/data/v2/reference/http/projects-project_id-versions-version_id-GET/, e.g. https://developer.api.autodesk.com/data/v1/projects/a.YnVzaW5lc3M6YXV0b2Rlc2szNzQzIzIwMTkwMzA4MTgwODczNTUx/versions/urn:adsk.wipprod:fs.file:vf.BdGQ1od8SWuA4RDlgkwqHg%3Fversion=2
Note: in case of the various APS SDK's the encoding of the id's are usually taken care of so you just need to pass in the raw/readable version.