8 Feb 2025

Export IFC from RVT using Design Automation API for Revit - Part II

Previously, we talked about exporting IFC from RVT on Design Automation API for Revit in Export IFC from RVT using Design Automation API for Revit - Part I.

In this blog post, we will discuss how to override the Revit IFC addin version on Design Automation API for Revit. Sometimes, we would need to use a specific IFC addin version from https://github.com/Autodesk/revit-ifc/releases for some reason.

For example, here are use cases that we need to include the Revit IFC addin within our appbundle.

  • Use case-1: Want to use the latest version published there, but Revit DA hasn't provided that version of Revit IFC addin.
  • Use case-2: There are some steel-related elements inside RVT file, but they are missing after exporting it to IFC using Design Automation. Want to bring them back in the exported IFC.

Okay, here are the steps:

  • 4. Modify the "PackageContents.xml" of your IFC exporter appbundle, and add this line to load Revit.IFC.addin that we put in the Contents folder of the app bundle. e.g. Add "<ComponentEntry LoadOnRevitStartup="True" LoadOnCommandInvocation="False" AppName="IFC For Revit 2023" Version="23.4.1" AppDescription="IFC For Revit 2023" ModuleName="./Contents/Revit.IFC.addin"/>" to the "PackageContents.xml".

    Here is an example of using Revit IFC addin v23.4.1:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<ApplicationPackage Name="RevitDesignAutomation" Description="Revit IFC Exporter" Author="your email">
<CompanyDetails Name="Autodesk, Inc" Url="your website" Email="your email"/>
<Components Description="Export Revit RVT to IFC">
    <RuntimeRequirements SeriesMin="R2023" SeriesMax="R2023" Platform="Revit" OS="Win64"/>
    <ComponentEntry LoadOnRevitStartup="True" LoadOnCommandInvocation="False" AppDescription="Export Revit RVT to IFC" ModuleName="./Contents/RevitIfcExporter.addin" Version="1.0.0" AppName="RevitIfcExporter"/>
<!-- Add this line>>> --><ComponentEntry LoadOnRevitStartup="True" LoadOnCommandInvocation="False" AppName="IFC For Revit 2023" Version="23.4.1" AppDescription="IFC For Revit 2023" ModuleName="./Contents/Revit.IFC.addin"/> <!-- <<<Add this line -->
  • Pack your appbundle as a ZIP and upload it to Design Automation API for Revit.


That's all. Hope you enjoy it!

If you have questions about IFC export using Design Automation API for Revit, please contact APS support.


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