28 May 2020
Cannot match arguments error when using acesHttpOperation

You can send updates from inside the Design Automation server using the onProgress callback mechanism - see https://forge.autodesk.com/blog/communicate-servers-inside-design-automation
The way to do that is to print a message to the command line with !ACESAPI:acesHttpOperation() - see https://forge.autodesk.com/en/docs/design-automation/v3/developers_guide/callbacks/
Note: in case of Inventor AppBundle you can use the HttpOperation() utility method
You have to make sure that all the parameters are set correctly, adhering to these rules:
- 1st argument can be any word
- 2nd and 3rd argument can be anything that isn't a comma ','
- 4th argument can either be json {...}
or anything that isn't a comma ','
- 5th argument must start with a word or ':
or '\'
or '%'
followed by zero or one dots '.'
followed by zero or more of anything
Here is the regex rule to help you with this:
You can simply use an online editor like https://regex101.com/ to verify the string you are providing is correct - see above picture
If you're not following the rules and e.g. try to do this:
"{ \"current-progress\": 30, \"step\": \"apply parameters\" }"
Then you'll run into "Error: API failed. Reason = Cannot match arguments.":
[05/28/2020 17:02:45] InventorCoreConsole.exe Information: 0 : RunWithArguments called
[05/28/2020 17:02:45] InventorCoreConsole.exe Information: 0 : !ACESAPI:acesHttpOperation(onProgress,"","",{ "current-progress": 30, "step": "apply parameters" },"")
[05/28/2020 17:02:45] !!!!This is an API callback => " InventorCoreConsole.exe Information: 0 : !ACESAPI:acesHttpOperation(onProgress,"","",{ "current-progress": 30, "step": "apply parameters" },"")"
[05/28/2020 17:02:45] Start processing API request acesHttpOperation.
[05/28/2020 17:02:45] Error: API failed. Reason = Cannot match arguments.
[05/28/2020 17:02:45] Done processing API request with result: failed. Time spent 0.0008435 seconds.
The problem with the above code is that the 5th argument cannot be an empty string, and should be modified to e.g.:
"{ \"current-progress\": 30, \"step\": \"apply parameters\" }"