5 Feb 2025
AEC Data Model API enforcing OAuth data:read scope beginning October 1, 2025

Autodesk is planning to enforce the use of OAuth scope for AEC Data Model API. You are required to include in your application OAuth data:read scope to execute all the currently available read-only queries.
Action Required
If you are using AEC Data Model API, please ensure that you are using OAuth data:read scope for your GraphQL queries. You are required to update your application by October 1, 2025, after which date any AEC Data Model query with a token generated without OAuth data:read scope will fail.
Note that at the time of this writing, write API for AEC Data Model is not available. If write API becomes available in the future, the same requirement for OAuth scope will apply; Your application will be required to have the correct OAuth scope to run queries (e.g., data:write and data:create).
For more information about OAuth scope for AEC Data Model API, please refer to this page.
If you have any questions regarding OAuth scope enforcement for AEC Data Model API, please contact APS support.