21 Jun 2023
ACC Admin API: GET Projects and Project Users

We are happy to announce the availability of Autodesk Construction Cloud (ACC) Admin API GET projects and GET project users as public beta. Project related Admin API for ACC is a highly demanded feature. We are fully aware that we still have some gaps to fill, notably project creation and adding users to a project. This first set of ACC Admin API release allows you to list projects and project users, which we can use to assign users, for example, to an issue and an asset.
Following four(4) GET endpoints or read APIs are available for public access:
- GET projects - list projects in a given account, including both ACC and BIM 360 projects similar to the UI.
- GET project/:projectId - retrieve the information about the given project.
- GET project/:projectId/users - list members of a given project.
- GET project/:projectId/users/:userId - retrieve the information about a given user.
A few points to note:
- The above four(4) endpoints are backward compatible; i.e., they work with both ACC unified accounts and BIM 360.
- By default, “GET projects” endpoint lists all the "normal" projects when used in ACC unified accounts. You can also use it to get the "template" projects by specifying with “filter[classification]=template& filter[type]=Template” (Note: you need both filters).
- In BIM 360 admin User Interface(UI), where the distinction among different projects, such as template/library/sample does not exist, they are all listed under projects.
- Some of product names may be different between ACC project and BIM 360 project. e.g., build in ACC and fieldManagement in BIM 360, and docs in ACC and documentManagement in BIM 360. Please refer to the reference guide for listing.
- Reference Guide:
- Change Log
We will also post the Postman Collection at our public github repo, stay tuned.
If you have any questions, please contact APS support.