Cannot upload to my A360 bucket

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I found the bucket where my file on A360 is stored: Now I'm trying to upload a new file in the same bucket using PUT

Data Management API
Data Management API

Not all APIs are available for my Forge app

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When I log in on the Forge Developer site and create a new app, not all API's are available for me - e.g. the Model Derivative API does not show up: This happens if you did not activate your Forge

Model Derivative API
Model Derivative API

Showing files in the Viewer

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In order to show a file in the Forge Viewer you need to: 1) Have the file on an Autodesk storage 2) Translate the file to SVF 3) Open the model in the Viewer 1) Have the file on an Autodesk storage

Data Management API
Data Management API
Model Derivative API
Model Derivative API

What's so Hot about Autodesk Forge?

Let's say you've been an Autodesk customer for a long time. You've got decades of your intellectual property captured in AutoCAD drawings. If you'd like to leverage that data to showcase your work to