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AI-powered parking configurator connects to Autodesk Forma

Operation and Maintenance

TestFit is the real estate feasibility platform that makes it easy to do site planning for real estate developers, architects, and contractors who want to maximize site potential and get the right deals done faster.

The Challenge: Surface parking design is an essential but time-consuming task

Surface parking design for real estate sites is an essential but time-consuming task. Architects drain hours creating parking options. And then they lose even more time manually counting and documenting each stall. The process often requires complex data management in spreadsheets or other tools that are siloed from design software. It’s the type of data gap that can lead to errors and rework.

TestFit built a powerful automation tool to overcome this very challenge and wanted to bring this solution into Autodesk Forma, the AECO (architecture, engineering, construction, and operations) industry cloud. TestFit’s software developers partnered with Autodesk to integrate their tool with Forma’s initial set of capabilities, which target the early-stage planning and design process.

The Solution: TestFit leveraged Autodesk Forma to build a parking configurator extension

TestFit leveraged Autodesk Forma to build a parking configurator extension. TestFit’s solution includes a WebAssembly module (script-based generator) that allows their algorithm to load into Forma and run in the browser, with instantaneous results.

With the TestFit Parking Generator extension, you can input a wide-ranging set of parameters in Forma while TestFit’s AI configurators optimize the design. You can adjust the design by axis for orientation, stall width, depth, turn radius, and more. The extension generates updates and feedback in real-time in Forma, bringing highly optimized parking design further upstream in the project lifecycle.

TestFit built the extension as the Forma ecosystem was taking shape. As an early adopter of Forma, TestFit provided Autodesk with feedback on code that has become the foundation of the Forma API. The API enables interaction with WebAssembly modules and data exchange with remote services. TestFit’s early success with Forma could lead to additional extensions that would help optimize parking garage and street design.

Business Outcomes: Optimized parking design faster and earlier in the design process

  • Design options in seconds: Automation tool eliminates time-consuming data entry and manual processes
  • Optimized designs: The Parking Generator algorithm processes wide-ranging user-input parameters so you can customize parking layout for design and code requirements
  • Improved processes: Forma integration enables optimized parking design upstream in the project design lifecycle

"It often takes years for tech companies to integrate their core technologies with one another. What Autodesk has built in Forma is a seamless ability for us to lift meaningful algorithms for architects from the TestFit Real Estate Feasibility app into their next-generation platform." - Clifton Harness, Co-Founder and CEO, TestFit


APIs and Services

Forma API
Forma API

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